標題: Ionization of the surface-state electron by half-cycle electric-field pulses
作者: Jiang, TF
Institute of Physics
公開日期: 15-二月-1997
摘要: The purpose of this research is to study the half-cycle pulse (HCP) ionization behavior of the surface-state electron (SSE). Motivated by the experimental progress in the HCP source, we propose to investigate the HCP excitation of the SSE system, which was confirmed to be one dimensional in nature. We examine the cases with a wide range of scaled electric-field amplitudes, which have different time scales and pulse shapes. Our results show some stabilization windows for the ionization probability with respect to these fields. The number of windows increases with the length of the pulse duration. The origin of the window is shown to be related to the energy gained from the driving electric fields.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.55.4238
ISSN: 0163-1829
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.55.4238
Volume: 55
Issue: 7
起始頁: 4238
結束頁: 4241


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