標題: 運用冒煙測試以提昇軟體測試品質之個案研究–以A公司為例
Using Smoke Testing to Enhance the Quality of Software during the Testing Phase – a case study of A company
作者: 王心汝
Wang, Hsin-Ju
Tsai, Min-Jen
關鍵字: 持續整合;軟體測試;冒煙測試;Continuous Integration;Software Testing;Smoke Testing
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 軟體測試在軟體開發過程中其重要性逐漸增加,測試方式不斷演變,從手動測試到自動化測試,如何能夠更有效率的執行測試,將測試資源作最有效的運用,一直是測試團隊所追求之目標;透過本研究主題,測試部門運用冒煙方法以確保軟體品質;將測試案例進行模組化分類、情境式案例設計、冒煙測試案例的遴選及自動化過程,除了改善測試效率,專案每位成員亦可以隨時暸解開發過程中的系統品質狀況,「測試」與「品質」不再只是測試部門的責任;專案成員的合作將更為緊密,最終達成交付具品質保證之系統為目標。
Software testing has gained its importance dramatically in software development lifecycle. From manual to automatic testing, the testing methodology has also been evolving to pursuit the efficiency of test processes and the effectiveness of test resources. This thesis studies and explains how the test team uses smoke testing methodology to ensure the software quality. The major processes are to modularize the test cases, design the test scenario cases, select the test candidates of smoke testing and automate the testing procedures. By doing this, we can achieve not only the improvement of test processes, but also, for all project stakeholders, the transparency of system quality which makes the issues of the software testing and quality are no longer the responsibilities of the test team. Therefore, the whole project team members would work closely to achieve the ultimate goal of project to deliver the qualified software system.