標題: 竹科廠商對群聚政策工具認知與滿意度評估研究
Satisfaction and perception of Hsinchu Science Park’s firms on the policy tools of industrial clustering.
作者: 鍾幸如
Chung, Hsin-Ju
Hung, Chih-Yang
Yen, Tzong-Ming
關鍵字: 群聚政策工具;認知度與滿意度;重要性比較;the policy tools of industrial clustering;satisfactionand perception;important sequence
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 長久以來政府所推動之各項政策,在經濟發展過程中扮演非常重要的角色。在1980年代初期科學園區設立之初,政府實施了各項優惠政策以吸引廠商進駐與投資。也因為當時政府推動的各項政策成就了園區的快速發展與成功,然而政府所實施的各項政策曾經促成新竹科學園區之繁榮與成功,曾幾何時也因為政府大力推動的各項政策導致了特定產業的失敗。 期待藉由本研究瞭解新竹科學工業園區內之高科技廠商對於政府推動之各項群聚政策工具之認知程度、滿意度以及針對廠商與政府機關成員對於各項群聚政策工具之重要性之排序加以比較分析研究,不僅有助於未來政府制定政策之參考,並有效縮短政府執行政策與廠商認知政策之差異,亦能幫助政府制定有效政策、讓政策發揮最大效用促進園區產業發展、真正透過政策帶動國家整體經濟成長。 本研究分別依據現行園區六大政策構面包括:通關自動化、土地經營模式、單一窗口行政服務、基礎建設、租稅優惠以及研發獎勵。經問卷調查結果發現,六大產業對於整體群聚政策工具認知程度與滿意度呈現同向相關性,而在對於各項群聚政策工具重要性比較研究結果發現,廠商端與政府機關成員端所認知之重要性政策排序是有所差異的,當然各產業彼此間由於產業特性之差異,對於各項群聚政策工具重要性之排序亦略有差異。
The government promoted lots of policies to facilitate industrial development and economic prosperity in the long term. In early 1980s, the beginning stage of constructing the Hsinchu Science Park, the government implemented various preferential policies in order to attract more investments to the Hsinchu Science Park. These policies resulted in different consequences which led to the tremendous success and rapid development of Hsinchu Science Park. These policies also caused the failure on particular industries. Therefore, through this study, I hope to know the satisfaction and perception on policy tools of industrial clustering for those who worked in Hsinchu Science Park in order to understand and compare the result of the important sequence on policy tools of industrial clustering between employees of public sectors and employees of private sectors employees. The results can be taken as references of future government policies making, which can effectively shorten the policy implementation and policy cognitive differences. Also the result helps government to develop effective policies to maximize the effectiveness and to to boost the country's economic growth. This study was based on existing six policy dimensions i.e., clearance Automation, land management model, one-stop public service, infrastructure, tax incentives and R&D incentives. Through the questionnaire, I found out that the employees’ satisfactions and perception on policy tools in six industries in Hsinchu Science Park demonstrated positive correlation on industrial clustering. And in the consequence of importance sequence on policy tools of industrial clustering between the employees of public sectors and private sectors is obvious different. In terms of the importance of cluster policy, I have seen the cognitive difference between vendors and government. Because of the difference of industries, the sequence of policy tools also reflects the changes.