Title: E-campus 教學平台在桌上型電腦與手持式裝置的效能差異
Performance Evaluation of E-campus on Mobile Devices
Authors: 黃皓澤
Huang, Hau-Tze
Lin, Yi-Bing
Keywords: E-campus;tcpdump;wireshark;chrome;chrome;E-campus;mobile device;response time performance;tcpdump;wireshark
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: E-campus系統是交通大學教務處數位內容製作中心研發出來的教學系統,該系統經由網路構建出一個不受實體空間限制的學習環境。由於線上學習已是未來學習的發展趨勢之一,再加上行動網路快速發展的推波助瀾之下,利用智慧型行動裝置透過無線網路來學習已是未來的發展方向。交通大學的學生以往從桌上型電腦來使用E-campus系統,現在隨著時代的進步以及行動網路的普及,智慧型行動裝置已是一種非常重要的通訊平台,相對於桌上型電腦搭配有線網路的通訊方式,智慧型行動裝置藉著其可以隨時隨地得到和處理資訊的優勢,而逐漸成為人類獲取資訊的重要來源,因此我們亦發展手持式裝置版本的E-campus軟體。早期的手持式E-campus版本執行於手機瀏覽器,之後有優化的交大應用程式版本。

E-campus system is a teaching system developed by National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) Digital Pontent Production Center. Via the Internet, E-campus builds a learning environment without physical space constraint. On the other hand, the use of smart mobile devices for learning over the wireless network is essential to online learning, which is a future trend of learning with the rapid development of mobile Internet. The NCTU students use the E-campus system from their desktop computers in the past. Smart mobile device has become a very important communication platform with the progress of the times and the popularity of mobile Internet. Smart mobile device can receive and process information anytime and gradually become an important source of human access to information. Therefore, NCTU has developed a handheld device software version of E-campus. Early version of handheld E-campus ran on cellular phone browser chrome, which is not very efficient. To address the efficient issue, NCTU developed an optimized application.

When the optimized application and chrome browser run the same E-campus functions, the execution times caused by different networks and software affect the user experience. In this thesis, we analyze and compare the response time performance of the desktop, the standard chrome browser, and the optimized application by measuring the functional group times. Our study indicated that the response times of the optimized NCTU application are significantly smaller than the chrome browser version.
Appears in Collections:Thesis