DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorHung, Chien-Tingen_US
dc.contributor.authorYuan, Benjaminen_US
dc.description.abstract智慧型手機漸漸普及的趨勢嘉惠了行動應用的發展,更打破了封閉的2G行動網路。而手機系統廠商Apple 與Google 更各自推出了自有品牌的行動軟體商店,除了希望將破除手機原來受限於無彈性設計限制,成為真正的『智慧』手機,更希望能藉著跟軟體開發商的合作,成為用戶手機應用入口的第一選擇。本研究企圖以產業現況、產業價值鏈以及個案研討方式,整理出市場兩大領導者 Apple 的App Store與 Google 的Google Play兩者間競爭策略與優劣點,並推測未來可能的發展方向。 本研究透過質性方法蒐集文獻並歸納,首先以Porter的產業鏈與價值鏈對行動通訊產業與智慧型手機產業狀況與價值鏈研討,再以五力分析與SWOT分析法,探討這兩家行動軟體商店的競爭狀況。研究探討結果如下: 1. 智慧手機與行動裝置已囊括大眾市場,並成為軟體生態圈的堅實基礎。 2. 投入Android開放系統聯盟為軟體開發商與手機製造商帶來豐厚的收穫。 3. 行動硬體裝置+作業系統平台+ 行動軟體商店之三合三贏模式確立。 4. 行動通訊產業營收已非以硬體為主,漸轉為行動服務收入導向,服務為王。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn the telecommunication industry, the growing Smart Phone breaks the closed 2G network and also accelerate the all kinds of mobilized mobile application. Moreover, the Apple and Google, who provide leading mobile operation platform both presented the own brand application stores for smart mobile phones and device. The two giants’ don’t only hope to get rid of the old limitation to phone system, but also attempt to become the 1st entrance and choice for top level value-added-services to end customers. In order to understand the industry environment and status, the research analysis the industry and stakeholders through Porter’s theory ,“The Value Chain” and individual case studies. Next important goal is to understand the competitive strategies through SWOT and Five Force Analysis. The research aims to clarify the competitive status, strategies, advantages, and disadvantages in the market, and to predict possible development direction. The findings are summarized as following points: 1. Smart Phone and device already conquered the mass market and also built solid user base for application eco-sytem. 2. It brings APP developers and mobile manufacture vendors huge gains by participate Android , the open system group. 3. Triple-Wins Model of smart device, smart phone operating system, and application store is proved. 4. The major revenue in the industry is turning from the earlier hardware box selling business to the new king, the mobile value-added-services.en_US
dc.subjectApp Storeen_US
dc.title智慧型手機行動軟體商店之競爭策略分析 – 以Google Play 與Apple App Store為例zh_TW
dc.titleThe Competitive Strategy Analysis of Google Play and Apple App Store in Smart Phone Industryen_US