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dc.contributor.authorChen, Yi-Hanen_US
dc.contributor.authorZhu, Chao-Yuanen_US
dc.description.abstract我們將具有氫鍵作用力之電洞注入/傳輸材料 poly(triphenylamine- carbazole-uracil) (PTC-U)進行 2π + 2π 光交聯,結果發現經過 UV 照射 1個小時的元件效率最佳,由於 1 小時的光交聯作用,可以保留 PTC-U 的氫鍵架構使其依然具有電洞、電子的傳遞能力,並因為部分的光交聯結構,而提升其溶劑抗腐蝕性,而獲得非常不錯的元件效率。 此研究不僅成功的讓螢光、磷光元件效率有顯著的提升,也間接得再次證明氫鍵作用力在高分子電洞注入/傳輸材料中的重要性。 此外,我們將 fluorene 及 carbazole 利用 Suzuki reaction 共聚形成的高分子 PFC 與製備簡單的 benzoxazine 進行 click 反應獲得產物poly(fluoren-carbazol-benzoxazine) (PFC-Bz) 之電洞注入/傳輸材料,使 PFC 高分子具備熱交聯性質,提升其穩定性與抗溶劑腐蝕性亦獲 得不錯的元件效率。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractA new process of HTLs made by poly(triphenylamine-carbazole-uracil) (PTC-U) has been successfully constructed. In this study, the new method for solution process of PTC-U increase the solvent resistance of PTC-U and make the trilayer device to be 1.8 times higher than the commercial product PEDOT:PSS-based devices. Most of all, we still prove that physically cross-linked structure is important for HITM. In addition, we successfully synthesized a thermal-cross-linked HITM, poly(fluoren-carbazol-benzoxazine) (PFC-Bz) which has good thermal, electronic property. Moreover, PFC-Bz can undergo thermal-cross-liking at low temperature to enhance the resistance of solvent and not to destroy others structure.en_US
dc.subject氫鍵作用力結合光交聯性結構與熱交聯性之 電洞注入/傳輸層材料於發光二極體之應用zh_TW
dc.subjectA new Hole Injection/Transport Materials of Hydro-Bonding system with Photocross-linked structure and an thermal crosslinking structure on Conducting Polymer for Application in Light-Emitting Diodesen_US
dc.title氫鍵作用力結合光交聯性結構與熱交聯性之 電洞注入/傳輸層材料於發光二極體之應用zh_TW
dc.titleA new Hole Injection/Transport Materials of Hydro-Bonding system with Photocross-linked structure and an thermal crosslinking structure on Conducting Polymer for Application in Light-Emitting Diodesen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis