Title: 光阻減量狀態下膜厚品質提昇
Enhancement of Film Thickness Performance in Photoresist-Reduced Conditions
Authors: 吳世璋
Wu, Ken
Chen, Ren Haw
Keywords: 光阻;塗佈;photoresist;coat
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 台灣的半導體製造技術可以說是獨步全球。而半導體製造技術中最關鍵的一部分即是微影區域的生產技術。通常談論到微影區的生產技術,會分為二大區塊來研究,〝塗佈預備區〞〝曝光製程區〞。而如何使光阻薄膜以所需要的狀態成形在晶圓上便是塗佈預備區中最重要的課題。近年來企業的成本考量日趨嚴謹,光阻使用量的減少也成為勢在必行的作法。本研究即以光阻減量的狀況下,尋找提昇光阻薄膜的品質可能性。透過對學術文獻的研究與實際半導體生產技術的經驗,找出數個影響光阻薄膜品質的重要參數,〝晶圓轉速〞〝光阻溫度〞〝噴灑光阻的中心性〞。本研究以以上數種變因作為研究的重要參數,找出在光阻用量減少的狀況下,光阻薄膜品質提昇的方法。
The semiconductor manufacturing technology of Taiwan is world famous, and photography is the critical technique in semiconductor manufacturing technology. Photography is frequently differentiated into two parts: tracking and scanning. Photoresist film thickness performance is crucial in tracking. However, cost reductions regarding photoresist usage must be performed by corporations. This study enhances film thickness performance in photoresist conditions. Based on previous studies, we located several parameters that significantly influence film thickness performances regarding rotation speed, photoresist temperature, and dispense centering. This study used these parameters to enhance film thickness and to reduce photoresist usage.
Appears in Collections:Thesis