Title: 探討建構教學中系統學習對於程式設計策略之影響-以scratch 為例
The impact of system learning in constructivism on program design---take scratch for example
Authors: 李宗信
Lee, Thsung-Hsin
Sun ,Chuen-Tsai
Keywords: 系統學習;scratch;學習程式設計;System about learning;Scratch;Learning of Programming
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 本研究依學習方式不同,將高中一年受試學生分為指令學習和系統學習二組,以學生學習過程中的程式設計策略和解題行為來觀察其學習歷程,並以學習任務來檢測學習成效,探討個別差異在Scratch學習程式設計之影響。 根據研究結果,我們了解系統學習在Scratch程式設計上的影響,在組合的課程中是具有較佳的學習;但系統學習組在剛開始學習時,進入的過程較慢,所以根據研究實驗結果,應該剛剛開始教師應使用引導式學習,使學生較快速的適應軟體介面,之後再使用系統學習,下載系統、範例的學習,讓學生自行發揮創造力和想像力。對於不同學習方式之學習者而言,整體來說,程式設計系統學習以Scratch為例,只要讓學習者有充分時間進行拆解、組合,有助於學習者產生程式概念,於錯誤嘗試、做中學經驗出程式流程。
In this study, we collect data from tenth grade students in high schools. The students are grouped according to learning methods. One group is about instruction learning, and the other is about system learning. We observe the students’ program design strategies and problem-solving skills in their learning process, and check the learning effect with learning tasks. We discuss the impact of individual differences on learning program design─Scratch. According to this study, we discover that the students with system learning are better than those with instruction learning on learning to merger Scratch program. However, the study shows that the students with system learning find Scratch difficult at first. So, the teachers can use methods for eliciting the m to adapt to Scratch quickly. After that, the students can use system learning, download Scratch, and learn from examples. To do this, they have more opportunities to be better.
Appears in Collections:Thesis