标题: 雷射剥离对发光二极体中图形化蓝宝石基板的影响
Effect of laser lift-off process on the pattern sapphire substrates of LED device
作者: 方星凯
Fang, Hsin-Kai
关键字: 雷射剥离;图形化蓝宝石基板;laser lift-off;pattern sapphire substrates
公开日期: 2013
摘要: 目前在改良发光二极体(Light-emitting diode, LED)元件效能及应用的技术包括了图形化蓝宝石基板(Patterned sapphire substrate, PSS)、雷射剥离(Laser lift-off)等。结合上述两种技术不但可以增加LED的光取出率、提升LED的内部量子效率,也能降低热效应对元件所造成的影响。然而当结合PSS及LLO两种技术时,LED的漏电流往往会有些许的提升;另外,我们发现PSS的表面形貌在经过LLO之后与原PSS的形貌有明显的不同,且此现象原因尚未被讨论。本论文系对于LLO后的PSS做研究并且讨论其产生变化的原因。
Current LED manufacture technology including pattern sapphire substrate (PSS) and laser lift-off (LLO). When we combine this two technology not only can increase light extraction efficiency and internal quantum efficiency, but also can decrease the effect of joule heat effect.
However when we come by PSS and LLO two technology the leakage current might increase several times. We also found that the PSS morphology after LLO is different from the original PSS, and this phenomenon hasn't been discussed yet.
In this experiment we use hydrochloric acid , phosphoric acid and potassium hydroxide to clean PSS at different temperature step by step.
We use SEM analysis to evaluate PSS is reusable or not. After the laser lift off ,the height of PSS on E1 and Eb was decrease to 1.43 µm and 1.29 µm from 1.5 µm, and further decrease to 1.16 µm and 1.04 µm after hydrochloric acid and phosphoric acid cleaning.
By TEM and EDX analysis we know that the sapphire on the top of PSS change to amorphus aluminum oxide from crystal structure because of the temperature increase in a very short time. We can explain this via Snall's law. The origenal energy density on top of PSS is larger than the energy density on buttom of PSS. Too much energy may cause large density of defect and increase the leakage current.
Moreover, because of the nitrigen gap between PSS and GaN layer, the internal reflection will happen inside the PSS ,and cause more energy density on top of PSS. As a result, the sapphire on top of PSS may melt and turn to liquid phase, and finally formed amorphous aluminum oxide.
The experiment shows that if we want to reuse the PSS after LLO, we must change the shape of PSS.


  1. 154601.pdf

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