標題: 葉軒彣鋼琴演奏會含輔助文件:德布西前奏曲第一集之風格分析與演奏詮釋
Hsuan-Wen Yeh Piano Recital with Supporting Paper: An Analysis and Interpretation on the Contrasting Style of Claude Debussy's Preludes Book I
作者: 葉軒彣
Yeh, Hsuan-Wen
Chiang, Mo-li
關鍵字: 德布西;前奏曲第一集;Claude Debussy;Preludes Book I
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 德布西為20世紀音樂的先驅者,將音樂結合色彩,他也是東西方音樂交流的橋梁,將東方音樂融入作品中。德布西的鋼琴作品,多以小品為主,前奏曲集更是德布在西鋼琴作品中運用各式技法成熟之作。本文以《前奏曲第一集 》為研究對象,第一章序論探討德布西的風格;第二章簡介德布西在前奏曲的創作手法;第三章詳細分析其音樂的風格與段落設計;第四章討論筆者的演奏詮釋以及觀點,尤其在彈性速度與踏板的運用上。第五章總結研究內容以及提出未來研究方向。
Debussy is the avant-garde of 20th century music. Not only did he combine music with colors, but also the bridge between Eastern and Western music, fusing Eastern musical elements into his works. Debussy's piano works consist mainly of Klavierstücke, and the Preludes Book I is the culmination of his musical skills. This essay therefore focuses on Debussy's Preludes Book I. Chapter One discusses Debussy's music styles; Chapter Two gives an introduction of his creative techniques in the preludes; Chapter Three analyzes Debussy's styles of music and designs of phrases; Chapter Four provides my approach for interpretation, especially on tempo rubato and pedals. Chapter Five summarizes my analysis and points out a direction for future research.