Title: 應用一界面追蹤VOF法於兩相流之熱傳計算
Using an Interface-Tracking VOF Method for calculation of heat transfer in Two-Phase Flow
Authors: 丁崑哲
Ding, Kuen-Je
Tsui, Yeng-Yung
Keywords: 兩相流;界面熱傳;Two-Phase Flow;Interface
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 本研究乃以有限體積法(Finite Volume Method)作為基礎,並採用流體體積分率法(Volume of Fluid)之CISIT界面追蹤法處理兩相流間界面熱傳問題。在求解速度場時,考慮雙流體具有連續之速度分佈,並以單一流體模型(single fluid)進行模擬;而在求解溫度場時,不考慮相變化發生,視兩流體為不同系統,並以界面作為內部熱邊界。其中,界面溫度乃取其兩側之參考點溫度,配合熱傳率守恆條件內差求得。本文研究內容分成兩大部分:首先驗證具理論解之一維固定界面熱傳導問題,分析單一固體至兩固體間接合之熱傳情形,並獲得良好之精確度。最後以此作為基礎,模擬二維運動流場之熱傳問題,預測流體界面之運動型態及其溫度分佈。
This study about two-phase flow problem is based on Finite Volume Method,and using CISIT of Volume of Fluid(VOF) to solve an interface heat transfer in two-phase flow. When simulating two-fluid flow,using a single-phase technique which have continuous velocity distribution. In addition to solve the temperature field , it doesn’t regard to the phase change , and the interface temperature is desided by both side of reference point with energy conservation law.
The research presents two major parts: First of all,verify the theore- tical with one-dimension heat transfer of one solid to multilayer. Second, to simulate the 2D heat transfer problem to calculate the velocity and temperature distribution.
Appears in Collections:Thesis