標題: 廢棄物處理程序逸散的揮發性有機物(VOCs)特性研究
A Study of the Characteristics of Volatile Organic Compounds Emitted from Industrial Waste Recovery Processes
作者: 洪廣華
Hong, Gung-Hwa
Tsai, Chuen-Jinn
關鍵字: 揮發性有機物;碳氫化合物;空氣污染監測;暴露評估;Volatile Organic Compounds;Hydrocarbon;Air Pollution Monitoring;Exposure Assessment
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 台灣近年來隨著高科技產業蓬勃發展,事業機構所產生之廢棄物也快速增加,以至於事業廢棄物之年產量由11,038,617.30公噸增加至17,730,806公噸,目前國內事業廢棄物處理機構約有167間月處理量約為73,444.7公噸。載運及回收處理此類有害廢棄物對於自然環境實屬高風險性之危害,因此研究利用直讀式儀器初步判別廢棄物處理程序中所產生揮發性有機物(Volatile Organic Compounds, VOCs )之特性是個重要之議題。 本研究以桃園縣內廢液回收處理、焚化處理及熱處理等三種物化程序中,現場利用攜帶式光離子偵測器(Photoionization Detectors, PIDs)及火焰離子偵測器(Flame Ionization Detectors, FIDs)進行監測,並探討其所產生逸散的總揮發性有機物(Total Volatile Organic Compounds, TVOC)及總碳氫化合物(Total Hydrocarbon, THC)之相關性。並配合不銹鋼筒(Canister)採集作業環境區域空氣樣品及分析,進而瞭解三種不同程序之廢棄物處理廠,所產生之揮發性有機物(VOCs)之種類特性。 研究結果顯示, A廠、B廠及C廠現場監測結果顯示,作業環境區域逸散的總揮發性有機物(TVOC)之平均濃度為2.078ppm、2.056ppm及0.334ppm,總碳氫化合物(THC)之平均濃度為3.18ppm、3.37ppm及5.36ppm。VOCs之定性及定量監測結果顯示,總揮發性有機物(TVOC)之濃度分別為3881.1ppbv、1543.0ppbv及78.5ppbv。廢液回收處理程序中BETX總暴露濃度推估為13.711 mg/d,焚化處理程序BETX總暴露濃度推估為4.088 mg/d。
Recently, Taiwan's high technology industry is progressing day by day which increases industrial waste from 11,038,617.30 to 17,730,806 ton per year. Now, there are 167 Public and Private Waste Clearance and Disposal companies in Taiwan which can dispose 73444.7 ton waste per month. Transport and recovery of hazardous industrial waste increase risk of damaging natural environment. Thus, the study of the characteristics of volatile organic compounds emitted from industrial waste recovery processes is important. This study is to discuss the correlation between Total Volatile Organic Compounds(TVOC) and Total Hydrocarbon (THC) under the following three physicochemical treatment processes: waste fluid recovery, incineration, and heat treatment in Taoyuan County. Direct Monitoring was conducted using a Photoionization Detectors (PIDs) and a Flame Ionization Detectors (FIDs). Canisters were further used collect air samples in work environments for further analysis to understand the characteristics of VOCs at three different waste treatment processes The monitoring results of plant A, B, and C showed the average concentration of TVOC was 2.078ppm, 2.056ppm, 0.334ppm,and the average concentration of THC as 3.18ppm, 3.37ppm, 5.36ppm, respectively. The qualitative and quantitative results of VOCs indicated TVOC concentration was 3881.1ppbv, 1543.0ppbv, and 78.5ppbv, respectively. The total BETX environmental exposure level was estimated to be 13.711 mg/d at the waste fluid recovery process, and 4.088 mg/d at the incineration process.
Appears in Collections:Thesis