標題: X光複合式共振腔之可行性研究與高解析度四晶單光儀的設計
Feasibility studies on realization of X-ray multi-cavity of sapphire and Designing a four-crystal high resolution monochromator
作者: 彭照棋
Peng, Chao-Chi
Chang, Shih-Lin
Hsieh, Wen-Feng
關鍵字: X光複合式共振腔;高解析度四晶單光儀;X-ray multiple cavities;four-crystal high resolution monochromator
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 本論文主要是利用理論模擬的方式,使用Yu. P. Stetsko博士所寫的程式設計以藍寶石和矽晶體為材料的X光複合式共振腔系統,分為兩個部分:其一是將兩組Fabry-Perot共振腔透過適當晶體厚度與間距選擇結合在一起,可同時達到高finesse[1]與高穿透率的目標;另一則是利用文獻[Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 224801 (2012)]的想法,探討三片式共振腔晶體厚度比例為1:1:1與1:2:1的共振行為。另外為了使入射共振腔的光滿足共振條件,本論文也設計了能量分別在8.5146keV以及14.3147keV時的高解析度四晶單光儀。
This thesis mainly uses the theoretical simulation, given by Stetsko, to design high performance X-ray multiple cavities of silicon and sapphire. There are two ways to reach the goal : One is to combine two Fabry-Perot cavities with appropriate crystal thickness and gap, so that the cavities have high finesse[1] and high transmissivity simultaneously; the other is to Investigate the resonant behavior of three-crystal plate cavity with the ratio of crystal thickness 1:1:1 and 1:2:1 utilizing the idea from the [X.- R. Huang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 224801 (2012)]. In addition, for the purpose of making an x-ray incident on the cavity to fulfill the condition of resonance, the thesis also design a four-crystal high resolution monochromator at 8.5146 keV and 14.3147 keV respectively.


  1. 180801.pdf
  2. 180802.pdf

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