Title: 利用表面電漿子共振分析矽基片B型抗諧振反射光波導生物感測元件再利用之研究
Surface Plasmon Resonance Analysis for Reusability of In Situ Regenerated Si-based ARROW-B Biosensors
Authors: 林彥廷
Lin, Yen-Ting
Huang, Yang-Tung
電子工程學系 電子研究所
Keywords: 表面電漿子共振;B型抗諧振反射光波導;過氧化氫 雙氧水混合液;可再生性;生物感測器;自組裝單分子層;牛血清蛋白;Surface Plasmon Resonance;ARROW-B;Ammonia-hydrogen Peroxide Mixture Solution;Reusability;Biosensor;Self-assembled Monolayer;Bovine Serum Albumin
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 本論文研究以表面電漿子共振(SPR)分析矽基片B 型抗諧振反射光波導 (ARROW-B)生物感測元件之再利用性。本生物感測器具有免標定與即時偵測 之特性。由於B 型抗諧振反射光波導擁有較厚的入射導光層,因此能夠有效 和單模光纖相匹配。對於元件之設計,使模擬分析元件之傳播特性,使其在 水中環境具有最佳化的感測靈敏度。並於感測區前後設計具有上下對稱隔離 層之波導,使光可穩定的傳播而不受外界影響。元件設計與製作皆詳細的探 討。本研究使用氫氧化氨、雙氧水混合溶液(APM)去除固定於表面的分子與 待測物,使元件可以達到在原處再生的效果。在生物感測方面,使用巰基十 一酸(11-MUA)於金表面建立自組裝分子層以進行牛血清蛋白(BSA)之檢測, 並且分析於原處再生之感測器的響應變化。實驗結果顯示,該感測器在重複 使用五次之後,仍保有相同的感測效果。
In this study, surface plasmon resonance (SPR) analyse for reusability of in situ regeneration of Si-based antiresonant reflecting optical waveguide B (ARROW-B) biosensors has been investigated. ARROW-B SPR biosensors are proposed to provide label free sensing in real time. The ARROW-B waveguide with a thick guiding layer provides efficient coupling with a single-mode fiber. Modal characteristics of ARROW-B are analyzed by simulation and designed for optimum sensitivity in the aqueous environment. The waveguides in front and rear of the SPR sensing region have symmetric cladding structure to prevent from being affected by environmental changes. The design and fabrication processes of ARROW-B sensor chips have been further investigated. Ammonia-hydrogen peroxide mixture (APM) solution was used to regenerate sensor surface in situ. To analyze SPR responses after regeneration in situ by APM solution, the self-assembled monolayer of 11-mercaptoundecanoic acid (11-MUA) was modified on gold surface and interacted with bovine serum albumin (BSA). The experimental results show that the same SPR sensing responses can still be obtained after five times of regeneration.
Appears in Collections:Thesis