標題: 用於復健任務導向訓練之穿戴式手指研發
Development of Wearable Robotic Fingers for Rehabilitation Applications
作者: 蔡依穎
Chai, Yea-Yen
Song, Kai-Tai
關鍵字: 穿戴式手指外骨骼機構;順應性控制;任務導向治療;中風復健;wearable finger exoskeleton;compliance control;task-oriented training;stroke rehabilitation
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 隨著老年人口逐年增加,復健治療的品質受到更廣泛的重視,許多學者專家開發了各種用途的復健機構來輔助中風病患進行復健。本論文研究基於任務導向治療之抓取訓練,設計了一個具有三個自由度的穿戴式手指機構,同時考量到使用者意圖及在任務中抓取物體的舒適性及安全性,我們提出了一套控制策略來完成輔助抓取的任務。所發展之控制策略分為兩部份:使用者順應性控制與抓取順應性控制。在使用者順應性控制中,當使用者產生抓物意圖施予力道時,能夠利用質量—彈簧—阻尼物理模型來順應使用者的力道讓使用者感到舒服並且容易隨著所施予的力道來控制手指機構;而在抓取順應控制中,基於同樣的物理模型來控制,當手指外骨骼在移動的過程中,如果與物體接觸時能夠即時的感知並控制抓取的力道以完成穩定抓取,並避免使用者在抓取訓練的過程中受到傷害。透過本設計的實現,可以確保使用者穿戴此機構在抓取訓練的過程中的舒適性及安全性考量。經過實驗證實,我們設計的穿戴式手指機構能夠讓使用者感到舒適以及能夠輔助使用者完成抓取的任務。
With the increase of stroke patients, the quality of stroke rehabilitation has drawn much attention in recent years. Researchers have been developed various kinds of exoskeleton devices for specific rehabilitation functions. In this thesis, we have developed a 3 Degrees of Freedom (3DOF) wearable robotic fingers for task-oriented training of rehabilitation grasping tasks. We propose a control strategy for the task training considering user comfort based-on his/her intention and the safety in task training procedure. The control strategy is divided into two parts: user compliance control and grasping compliance control. In user compliance control, we employed a mass-spring-damper model for grasping operation when the user exerted an intention force, this strategy can allow the user to feel comfortable guidance of the movement. In grasping compliance control, a similar physical model is used when the finger exoskeleton comes into contact with the object, that the system will percept the situation immediately and assists an appropriate grasping force for stable grasping. Experimental verification shows that the developed wearable rehabilitation robotic fingers can provide a comfortable fit for the users and is capable to assist the users to achieve the grasping task training.


  1. 009001.pdf

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