Title: 到院前緊急救護時間之研究
The Study on the Time of Pre-hospital Emergency Medical Service
Authors: 陳立偉
Chen, Li-Wei
Fu, Wu-Shung
Keywords: 到院前緊急救護;救護技術員;pre-hospital emergency care;emergency medical technician
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 本論文為了解現行消防單位執行緊急救護工作運作情形,以苗栗縣頭份鎮為調查地區,蒐集相關文獻定義救護時間,調查苗栗縣各項救護時間與其他城市、國家之差異性,分析救護時間序列中應執行項目,另實施實地調查,了解受測單位救護工作執行情形,再透過專家訪談彙整目前可能影響救護時間因子,歸納專家訪談結果後,製作調查問卷,問卷結果予以統計,了解第一線同仁救護工作問題癥結,並提出改善方案。 本研究建議: 一、短期目標 (一)加強指揮中心派遣員與分隊同仁派遣訓練。 (二)檢討勤務編排。 (三)加強考核與督導。 (四)加強民眾救護觀念宣導。 1、持續推廣救護急救處置教育。 2、持續宣導民眾禮讓救護車。 3、協助政府推動設置自動體外心臟電擊去顫器(Automated External Defibrillator, AED )。 二、中期目標 (一)應定期召開救護研討會。 (二)檢討廳舍空間規劃。 (三)強化醫療指導醫師制度。 (四)規劃成立專責救護隊。 三、長期目標 (一)增加救護人力。 (二)加強救護車電子化系統整合。 (三)修正救護紀錄表各項時間定義與規範。 (四)提高獎勵誘因。 (五)研擬救護車收費制度。 本研究希望藉由因地制宜之分析結果與建議,供行政機關政策推動方向,提昇苗栗縣緊急救護服務品質,保障民眾生命安全。
This paper is for those to know nowadays the working situations of emergency medical services of firefighter branches, and the area of survey is in Toufen Town of Miaoli County. I collected the related records to define the time of emergency service and investigate the time difference among the cities and countries, analyze the executive details of the sequence for emergency medical services. Besides, I made the practical fieldwork to obtain the working situations of emergency medical units, and archiving the time factors that might effect the time of emergency medical, analyzing the results of the experts' talks. I made the questionnaires and concluded the survey to understand the problems for the emergency medical technician in the front line and come up with the improvement plans. The suggestion of this survey: 一、Short term target (一)Enforce the training for command center dispatchers and emergency medical technicians. (二)Review the arrangement of shifts. (三)Enhance examination and supervision. (四)Enhance the people's concepts of emergency medical service. 1、Keep promoting the education of emergency medicalservice. 2、Keep propagating people to yield ambulances. 3、Assistant the government to set up AED.(Automated External Defibrillator, AED) 二、Mid term target (一)Convene the emergency medical service meetings regularly. (二)Examine the space planning of fire fighter branch. (三)Enhance the system of medical guide physicians. (四)Plan to establish dedicated EMS team. 三、Long term target. (一)Add the EMT. (二)Enforce the combinations of electronic systems of the ambulances. (三)Correct the time and definition of emergency medical service records service records. (四)Improve the incentives of awards. (五)Come up with charge rules of the ambulances. This study is to analyze the findings and recommendations of the local conditions, to provide the executive direction of policies to promote and enhance the quality of Miaoli County emergency ambulance service, protect public safety.
Appears in Collections:Thesis