标题: 基于行动通讯网路之观光区道路即时交通资讯与旅行时间预测
The Real-time Traffic Information and Travel Time Prediction using CFVD on Arterial Roads in Tourist Areas
作者: 陈雅勤
Chen, Ya-Chin
Chang, Ming-Feng
关键字: 行动通讯网路;即时交通资讯;CFVD;real-time traffic information
公开日期: 2012
摘要: 提供即时交通资讯能够帮助用路人得知目前交通状况,进而节省旅行时间及减少空气油耗等问题,利用手机讯号作为定位的讯号,并且利用无线通讯网路追踪使用者位置,透过多个手机即时讯号产生目标道路即时交通资讯,这样的机制不需要花费巨大的费用来建置或维护传统的车辆侦测装置,这种装置损坏率及建设费用都相当高昂,并且只能提供固定地点的交通资讯。相较之下,透过无线通讯网路讯号追踪分析使用者的移动行为,可以提供更即时、全面的交通资讯,而且降低了额外设备费用。
本研究提出利用NLU与其他事件的组合推估行车时间,,藉由组合的时间差,可推估目前实际行车时间;NLU为强制性位置更新行为,当使用者移动至另一个LA便会产生NLU事件,我们追踪这些使用者并依照事件发生时间的先后顺序给予编号,当使用者在目标路段产生其他事件时并且藉由观察路段出现的使用者评估道路上使用者数量(Vehicle Count Index, VCI) ,作为预测旅行时间的基准并结合历史塞车时期的旅行时间,提供目前使用者其可能行车时间。
Providing real-time traffic information to road users can help them to save travel time and reduce air pollution. Since MSs register their locations with cellular networks constantly, the control signals of cellular network can be used to obtain real-time traffic information. This method has been referred to as Cellular Floating Vehicle Data (CFVD). CFVD is more cost-effective than vehicle detectors or GPS-equipped probe cars because it doesn’t need any additional on-road or on-vehicle devices. However, most CFVD researches focused on freeways and urban roads, but not on tourist areas located in suburban areas. In this thesis, we present a CFVD algorithm to estimate and predict the travel time of an arterial road in a tourist area. The entrance of the arterial road under study locates in the boundary of two location areas (LAs), The time difference between an NLU performed at the entrance and an event performed on the arterial road is used to estimate the travel time. In addition, the number of NLUs performed at the entrance is used to generate Vehicle Count Index (VCI) as an indicator of the number of road users on the monitored roads. We use this index and historic data to predict the travel time of the monitored road.