Title: 低功耗寬頻率可調範圍之陣列式主動電感振盪器
Low Power Wide Frequency Tuning Range VCO with Active Inductor Array
Authors: 黃治文
Huang, Zhi-Wen
Tarng, Jenn-Hwan
Keywords: 振盪器;主動電感;低功率;寬可調範圍;VCO;Active Inductor;Low power;Wide Tuning Range
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 本論文中,我們提出增加可調頻率調整範圍且低功率的陣列式主動電感振盪器。為了解決一般主動電感振盪器功耗大的問題,尤其當頻率可調範圍變大時,我們提出一個新式陣列式的架構,並改變控制頻率可調範圍的機制,將傳統上控制通過主動電感的電流之方式改為以電晶體的寄生電容去控制頻率,此種方式可大幅節省功耗 。我們使用了台積電0.18 微米的CMOS 製程實現我們的電路,VCO 面積為0.0721 mm2 (不含PAD),功率消耗為6.86~6.94 mW,頻率可調範圍是810MHz ~ 2.41GHz (99.6%),最後得到的FOMT (Figure of Merit) 為-175.7。
In this study, a novel VCO with an active inductor array is proposed to solve the large power consumption problem of traditional active inductor VCO, especially when the frequency tuning range is very wide. Here, a novel frequency tuning mechanism is proposed, which is controlled by transistor’s parasitic capacitance and is not by the traditional way of the current through the active inductor. The VCO circuit is implemented by TSMC CMOS .18um process, and its total area is 0.0721mm2 (not including Pad). Its power consumption is 6.86~6.94 mW, when the tuning range is from 810MHz to 2.41GHz (99.6%). Finally, its FOMT (Figure of Merit) is -175.7.
Appears in Collections:Thesis