Title: 超高重複頻率鎖模光纖雷射之研究
Study of ultra-high repetition rate mode-locked fiber lasers
Authors: 鞠曉山
Jyu, Siao-Shan
Lai, Yinchieh
Keywords: 超高重複頻率;鎖模光纖雷射;非同步約分鎖模;矽基微環共振腔;雷射動力學;微波光電;ultra-high repetition rate;mode-locked fiber laser;asynchronous rational harmonic mode-locking;silicon micro-ring resonator;laser dynamics;microwave photonics
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 在本論文中我們研究數種可實現高重複頻率之光纖鎖模雷射架構,包括非
同步約分諧波鎖模摻鉺光纖雷射,100 GHz 脈衝束縛態非同步諧波鎖模摻鉺光纖
雷射,以及利用 110 GHz 和 250 GHz 矽基微環共振腔之鎖模摻鉺光纖雷射
等。在非同步約分鎖模雷射方面,我們成功將11 GHz 的相位調變頻率透過約分
鎖模技術升頻至33 GHz 並且操作在非同步鎖模狀態。在100 GHz 脈衝束縛態非
10 GHz 和 20 GHz 的非同步鎖模頻率下產生內在重複率100 GHz、脈衝間距10 ps
晶圓製程技術之高Q 值毫米尺度微環共振腔成功讓光纖雷射穩定鎖模在110 GHz
與250 GHz 之超高重複率,同時透過矽製光柵耦合技術之使用來達到單模光纖
將光纖鎖模脈衝雷射之重複頻率推升至100 GHz 以上,未來也可以利用這些研
We have investigated several configurations of mode-locked fiber lasers for
achieving ultra-high pulse repetition rate. These lasers include the 33 GHz
asynchronous rational harmonic mode-locked Er fiber laser, the 100 GHz bound state
asynchronous mode-locked Er fiber laser, and the 110 & 250 GHz mode-locked Er
fiber lasers based on a silicon micro-ring resonator. For asynchronous rational
harmonic mode-locking, we have successfully boosted the repetition rate from
11 GHz to 33 GHz. For bound state asynchronous mode-locking, we have
successfully generated internally 100 GHz bound pulses at the 10 & 20 GHz
asynchronous mode-locking frequencies by using suitable lengths of polarization
maintain fiber and high nonlinearity fiber. For micro-ring resonator mode-locking, we
have successfully achieved stable 110 & 250 GHz mode-locked fiber lasers by using a
silicon micro-ring resonator with the high quality factor (Q value). The grating
coupling technique has been utilized to effectively couple lights between the silicon
micro-ring and the single-mode fiber. For the investigation of laser dynamics, we have
developed a new method to fine-tune the laser pulse repetition rate by adjusting the
phase modulation depth without changing the cavity length. It should be helpful for
stabilizing the high repetition rate asynchronous mode-locked fiber lasers. We have
also developed a new method for in-situ monitoring the effective phase modulation
depth in an asynchronous rational harmonic mode-locked laser. It should be useful for
clarifying the mode-locking mechanism of asynchronous rational mode-locking and
for further improving the performance. Overall speaking, based on the techniques we
have developed, the repetition rate of mode-locked fiber lasers can be successfully
increased beyond the 100 GHz level. These lasers should find useful applications in
the area of optical communication and microwave photonics.
Appears in Collections:Thesis