Title: 金奈米環陣列表面電漿特性與感測應用之研究
Researches on Characteristics and Sensing Application of Plasmonic Gold Nanoring Arrays
Authors: 蔡家揚
Tsai, Chia-Yang
Lee, Po-Tsung
Keywords: 表面電漿;表面電漿陣列;奈米環;感測應用;surface plasmon;plasmonic array;nanoring;sensing application
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 近年來,金屬表面電漿成為奈米光子學領域中一項非常重要的研究,主因製程技術的進步實現了金屬奈米粒子之侷域表面電漿共振現象。其中,金屬奈米粒子的結構與參數設計是在表面電漿領域中很重要的課題之一。最近,奈米環結構受到廣大的研究興趣與重視,因此結構環內與環外表面電漿的強烈共振耦合,可產生很強的侷域電場,除此之外,環內區域可提供額外的電場分佈,此特性對於需要大量增強電場的實際應用上非常的有益,例如感測應用。
Plasmonics has become a very critical research in nanophotonics in recent years because of the advance in fabrication, which realizes localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) on metal nanoparticles. The design of metal nanostructures is one of the critical aspects of plasmonics. Recently, nanoring (NR) structures have attracted great research interest since such nanostructures can produce high local fields arisen from strong coupling of inner and outer surface plasmons. In addition, they provide an additional electric field in the cavity region of the ring structure, which is particularly beneficial for practical applications that need high volumes of enhanced fields such as sensing application.
In this thesis, we focus on design optimization of structural parameters of the gold NR structure including ring width, slab thickness, and aspect ratio for high local electric field enhancement and high sensitivity to surrounding media. For ring width design, we experimentally demonstrate the index sensitivity of bonding mode in gold NR can be improved by broadening the ring width. High sensitivity of 691 nm per refractive index unit is obtained for NRs with 199 nm ring width. For slab thickness design, the enhancements of electric field intensities at the inner and outer ring surfaces when reducing the slab thickness are investigated. This result renders a useful design principle to fabricate such nanoparticles with a highly enhanced field for sensing application. For aspect ratio design, the disc- and hole-like optical properties of high-aspect-ratio gold NR for longitudinal and transverse polarizations are found, which exhibit stronger field intensity enhancements at the outer and inner ring surfaces respectively. And we find that bonding modes show increased surface sensitivities when enlarging the aspect ratio of gold NR in biosensing experiment. In addition, for probing the near-field interaction of bonding modes, we investigate the optical properties of gold NR dimers particularly. As the gold NR particles approach each other, a very strong surface plasmon coupling in the gap region of gold NR dimers is observed, whose field intensity at the gap distance of 10 nm is enhanced 23% compared to that for gold nanodisk (ND) dimers with the same diameter. Furthermore, this coupling causes exponential increase in sensitivity to refractive index of surrounding medium with decreasing the gap distance. Compared with coupled dipole mode in gold ND dimers, coupled bonding mode in gold NR dimers shows higher index sensitivity. Via structure optimization of gold NRs, we expect that gold NR structure can serve as highly sensitive components of plasmonic sensor for the development of medical diagnosis, monitoring of diseases and drug discovery in the future.
Appears in Collections:Thesis