Title: 光操控於光子晶體/類光子晶體砷化鎵太陽電池之特性分析
Impact of Light Management on Photovoltaic Characteristics of GaAs Solar Cells with Photonic Crystals and Quasi-Photonic Crystals
Authors: 楊東庭
Yang, Tung-Ting
Yu, Peichen
Chi, Gou-Chung
Keywords: 砷化鎵太陽電池;光子回收;光子晶體;類光子晶體;角度濾波器;精細平衡;GaAs solar cells;photon recycling;photonic crystal;quasi-photonic crystal;angular filter;detailed balance
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 在精細平衡模型(Detailed balance model)中,單接面太陽電池的效率極限在太陽光頻譜AM1.5G照射下,可高達33.5%以及聚光後的41%。但在現今的太陽電池中,即便是電池的電性已趨於完美,我們仍遠落後於這些極限值,因此,效率的差距應源自於太陽電池本身的光性。近來,由精細平衡模型所推導出的外部出光效率(
In detailed balance model, the efficiency of single-junction solar cells can be potentially as high as 33.5% and 41% with concentrators under AM 1.5G illumination. However the best state-of-the-art devices are still far lower than those figures, even the electronic quality is nearly perfect. Therefore the efficiency gap should stem from the light management inside solar cells. Recently, external radiation efficiency (
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