標題: 手指影像血壓計
Finger image sphygmomanometer
作者: 盧元恒
Lu, Yuan-Heng
Huang, Sheng-Chieh
關鍵字: 影像;血壓計;手指;Finger;image;sphygmomanometer
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 由於國人的生活的不規律和飲食習慣的不良,導致對於我們心血管系統造成了很大的負擔,也使得國人罹患心血管性疾病的人口逐年地成長,而血壓一直都是人體重要的生理指標之一,其原因為血壓值高低反應了人體的心血管系統功能是否正常。 本文對於各種量測血壓的方式做了仔細的說明,使大家對於量測血壓的方法可以有更深層的了解,而目前最受歡迎的量測血壓工具為電子血壓計,雖然已經做到了非侵入式量測血壓的功能,但還是有諸多缺點,例如:會因手臂寬度的不同而造成量測誤差、袖壓對長期要監控血壓的人群會造成不適感、攜帶不便。   為了改善電子式血壓計的缺點,本文採用影像感測器的量測方法,再搭配上本研究推導的動脈心血管模型,實現於智慧型手機上的app應用程式,使擁有智慧型手機的人們,就如同帶了一台血壓計在身上,可以隨時隨地監控自身的生理狀態。
Human being’s irregular lifestyles and inappropriate eating habits nowadays result in cardiovascular diseases for citizens at large. The population that is examined having cardiovascular diseases increases every year. Such phenomenon has given blood pressure a lot of attention in the medical field. Blood pressure is an important indicator of a person’s health well being because blood pressure reflects the health status of an individual’s cardiovascular system. This research provides a comprehensive explanation on the methods of measuring blood pressure. The most popular method for blood pressure measuring is by using an electronic sphygmomanometer. Though the electronic sphygmomanometer is advanced enough to adapt a non-invasive measuring method, it still has numerous disadvantages. First, a cuff is required to occlude the blood flow in the arteries during blood pressure measuruing, which causes unpleasant feelings for the users when using. Second, a fixed cuff size may cause measuring errors, which decrease the result accuracy. Last but not least, these devices are bulky and extremely inconvenient to carry around. To remedy the problems that an electronic sphygmomanometer has, this research will illustrate how to use a camera sensor with algorithm to measure the blood pressure. Then such technology is implemented through Android smart phone application. The creation can make an accurate sphygmomanometer available to all citizens who own a smart phone. From that, they can measure their blood pressure wherever they go conveniently and accurately.