Title: 廣播收聽與社群媒介使用對擬社會互動之影響效果與享樂感研究
The impact of radio listening behavior and the use of social media on parasocial interaction and enjoyment
Authors: 賴筱茜
Lai, Hsiao-Chien
Chen, Yen-Shen
Keywords: 擬社會互動;收聽動機;音樂熟悉度;收聽享樂;吸引力;自我揭露;parasocial interaction;listening motivation;music familiarity;enjoyment;attraction;self-disclosure
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 本研究以擬社會互動做為主要理論基礎,並以流行音樂電台聽眾做為研究對象,欲了解新媒體時代下,擬社會互動於電台中的作用機制。本研究前兩次問卷調查從聽眾端切入,結果顯示對於流行音樂電台的聽眾而言,只有音樂喜愛度會影響收聽享樂,但以收聽時段做為分組後則發現,夜間聽眾的收聽享樂依舊會受擬社會互動影響,不同時段之收聽行為顯然有著動機差異。另外,若考量當代社群媒介之盛行,將主持人之自我揭露納入研究架構後,結果指出自我揭露數量會負向預測擬社會互動,自我揭露深度則與擬社會互動有正相關,不同時段分組之分析結果也納入討論。

In order to understand the reason why radio can still survive nowadays, this study applied parasocial interaction perspective to examine the relationship between parasocial interaction and enjoyment, and the role music played in the parasocial interaction mechanism.

Two surveys were conducted. In study 1, findings revealed a positive relationship between music preference and enjoyment for audience of pop music radio, but couldn’t find the relationship between parasocial interaction and enjoyment. In study 2, reseacher added three variables of self-disclosure on Facebook, and used value similarity to know the role music played in the parasocial interaction mechanism. The results showed that the amount of self-disclosure would negatively predicted parasocial interaction. On the contrary, the depth of self-disclosure would positively predicted parasocial interaction. The impact of listening sessions were discussed in the two study.

In addition, Six pop music radio DJs were interviewed to collect the qualitative data, trying to figure out how the DJs treat and manage the interactions between themselves and the audience, and the ways to arrange music. Finally, the study summarized the findings above and made recommendations to the broadcasting industry.
Appears in Collections:Thesis