標題: 新穎矽量子點薄膜應用於太陽能電池之開發
Development of novel Si quantum dot thin films for solar cells application
作者: 郭光揚
Kuo, Kuang-Yang
Lee, Po-Tsung
關鍵字: 矽量子點;氧化鋅;漸變矽過多氧化矽;太陽能電池;Si quantum dot;ZnO;gradient Si-rich oxide;solar cell
公開日期: 2013
摘要:   『溫室效應』與『能源危機』乃攸關未來人類生存的兩大重要議題,永續再生能源加速發展已刻不容緩,而太陽能電池(Solar Cell, SC)一直被視為極具潛力的再生能源之一。於考量電池效率、成本和壽命等關鍵因素下,矽基SC仍是最具有優勢可達到普及化的電池種類;為了達到高效率低成本(第三代SC)矽基SC,開發具有多重能隙的多接面元件結構以有效減低光損耗是不可或缺的要件。
In order to resolve the critical issues of “Green House Effect” and “Energy Crisis” for humanity’s future, the accelerated developments of renewable energies are necessary. Among all of the renewable energies, solar cells (SCs) are highly considered as the most potential one. To ponder these key factors of efficiency, cost, and lifetime, undoubtedly, the Si-based SCs have the most advantages on popularized developments in the future. However, to successfully achieve high efficiency and low cost, also called the third generation SC, the tandem Si-based SCs with multi-bandgap is required to efficiently reduce the mismatched photon energy loss.
Based on the unique properties of Si quantum dot (QD), we propose to develop the novel Si QD thin films by utilizing a gradient Si-rich oxide multilayer (GSRO-ML) structure and integrating with ZnO matrix material to overcome the bottlenecks of the largely limited carrier transport efficiency in the Si-based SCs integrating Si QDs. In the beginning of this dissertation, we talk about the importance and recent developments of SCs, and then, the advantages and challenges of SCs integrating Si QDs are discussed. After that, our motivations, fabrication process, and apparatus are also introduced in details.
To achieve the formation of super-high density Si QD thin films, we forsake the traditional [SiO2/SRO]-ML structure and develop a new one, GSRO-ML. In our results, by utilizing the periodical variations in Si/O atomic concentration during deposition, the Si QDs with super-high density and good size control can be self-assembled from the uniform aggregations of Si-rich atoms during annealing. Besides, the considerable enhancements on photovoltaic properties are also obtained by using a GSRO-ML structure due to the improved carrier transport efficiency and larger optical absorption coefficient.
To obtain the better carrier transport path for the Si QD thin films, we also develop a new matrix material, ZnO, because it has many desirable features, such as wide and direct bandgap, high transparency, and highly tunable electrical properties. In our results, though embedded with Si QDs, the optical properties of ZnO thin film can be preserved in the long- and short-wavelength ranges. In the middle-wavelength range, the significantly enhanced light absorption and the unusual PL emission peak, owing to embedding Si QDs, are observed. These results represent the sub-bandgap formation in ZnO thin film by utilizing Si QDs while maintaining the essential optical properties of ZnO matrix. In the electrical properties, the Si QD embedded ZnO thin film reveals the significantly higher conductivity than that using SiO2 matrix material. Besides, the carriers transport mainly via ZnO matrix, not through Si QDs, is clearly observed. This unique transport mechanism differing from those using the traditional Si-based dielectric matrix materials has great potential on leading to the much better carrier transport efficiency and electrical properties for SC applications.
In this dissertation, we had demonstrated the proposed novel Si QD thin films, utilizing a GSRO-ML structure and integrating with ZnO matrix material, are more suitable and advantageous for the Si-based SCs integrating Si QDs. Therefore, the high-efficiency Si-based SCs integrating Si QDs can be most definitely expected using the novel Si QD thin films.


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