標題: 探討數位遊戲對學生之沉浸經驗、學習動機與「生物演化」概念學習之影響
The Impact of Game-based Learning on 7th Graders’ Evolution Concept Learning, Immersion Experience, and Motivation
作者: 林育妏
Lin, Yu-Wen
She, Hsiao-Ching
關鍵字: 數位遊戲式學習;沉浸經驗感受;學習動機;生物演化;digital-game-based learning;immersion experience;learning motivation
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 本研究以「生物演化」為主題,設計一套名為「虛擬四十六億年(Virtual Age)」的數位遊戲,提供學習者透過模擬不同的生物角色來學習演化概念。因此,本研究的主旨在探討數位遊戲式學習對於學生學習生物演化概念、沉浸經驗與學習動機的影響。同時,本研究也設計一套與「虛擬四十六億年」相同學習內容的動畫,以瞭解兩種學習模式(遊戲式學習與動畫式學習)對學習上的影響。並且探討學習者的沉浸經驗與學習動機的相關性。 本研究採用準實驗設計法,以七年級的四個班級學生作為研究對象,學生人數共145人,隨機分為兩組學習模式:實驗組採用數位遊戲進行科學學習,對照組則採用動畫進行科學學習。實驗組共進行四節課的數位遊戲學習(每節課一小時),在每次遊戲結束後,馬上實行沉浸經驗感受問卷以及學習動機問卷的後測,並分別在第一次及第四次遊戲之後,施行成就測驗;對照組則進行一節課的數位動畫活動,結束後實行所有測驗的後測。 研究結果顯示,兩種數位學習模式在演化概念測驗與演化概念整合型問卷的學習成績上,並無顯著的差異,但實驗組在生物演化概念測驗的立即學習效應與維持有達到顯著,對照組則無;而兩組在演化概念整合型問卷的立即學習效應與維持均達到顯著。針對實驗組學生分析結果,在演化概念學習成效上,顯示高成就組學生在演化概念的學習與理解上顯著優於中、低成就組,且中成就組顯著優於低成就組。在遊戲得分的分析上,高成就組學生在第四次的遊戲得分顯著優於中、低成就組。另外,在遊戲各變項的分析上,結果顯示學習者能藉由遊戲中所提供的資訊來選擇適當的生物角色,中生代關卡以爬蟲類為主、新生代關卡以哺乳類與鳥類為主,以達成遊戲所設定的目標;且研究發現使用生物角色之個數與遊戲回合數可以預測遊戲得分。在沉浸經驗的分析結果,發現學習者在完全沉浸分量上,自前測之後的每一次後測(後測1、2、3、4)有進步的趨勢。在學習動機的分析結果,發現學習者在期望成功向度上,後測3高於後測1,後測4高於後測2,後測4高於後測1。此外,逐步回歸分析的結果,顯示學習動機的內在目標導向與興趣,可以預測沉浸經驗的投入、全神貫注與完全沉浸。
This study develops a Virtual Age game based learning involving the content of evolution. The virtual age game provided students’ opportunity to learn the evolution through simulated different roles. In addition, the same content of evolution virtual age game learning was modified to an animation. One of the aims of this study was to explore the effects of game-based learning on students’ learning of evolution concepts, immersion experience and motivation. In addition, it also to investigate the effectiveness between two different learning approaches (game-based learning vs. animation learning). Moreover, the relationships between learners’ immersion experience and their motivation was examined. To test the above presented idea, a quasi-experimental design was used in this study. A total of 145 7th grade students from four classes participated in this study and they were randomly assigned into two different groups which are game-based learning group (experimental group) and animation learning group (control group). Experimental group students received four different times of learning opportunities (each take an hour), and the evolution achievement test, immersion experience and motivation questionnaires were administered after each time of learning. Unlike the experimental group, students in the control group only receive one time learning of the animation following by taken the evolution achievement test, immersion experience and motivation questionnaires. The results showed there was no statistically significant difference in students’ evolution conceptual understanding performance and evolution synthesis level performance between two learning approaches. However, the experimental students made better immediate and retaining performance on both assessments than to the control group. Within the experimental group, high achievers significantly outperformed than to the medium and low achievers, and medium achievers outperformed than to the low achievers on their evolution conceptual understanding performance. High achievers also significantly outperformed than to the medium and low achievers on their game scores after their fourth time of learning. For the immersion experience, it was found that students made progress on their total immersion pretest to post test and from posttest to their 4th posttest. For their motivation, it was found that students made progress on their success expectation scale 3rd posttest to 1st posttest, 4th posttest to 2nd posttest, and 4th posttest to 1st posttest. Moreover, the stepwise regression result indicated that intrinsic goal orientation and interest of motivation can predict their engagement, engrossment, and total immersion.