Title: 非極性a面氮化鎵缺陷型光子晶體共振腔特性之研究
Study on nonpolar a-plane GaN-based photonic crystal defect cavities
Authors: 曹哲瑋
Tsao, Che-Wei
Lu, Tien-Chang
Keywords: 氮化鎵;微共振腔;非極性;GaN;nanocavities;nonpolar
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 在本篇論文中,我們成功製作出高效率高品質因子a面氮化鎵缺陷型光子晶體共振腔,並研究其光學特性。傳統成長在c面的氮化鎵量子井因為存在著量子侷限效應,使得量子井的復合效率降低。為了改善量子侷限效應的影響,我們將使用a面氮化鎵量子井來改善此問題,並設計薄膜結構的缺陷型光子晶體,使用電子束微影以及聚焦離子束製作出高效率高品質因子的共振腔,並且比較與分析製作在傳統c面以及a面之氮化鎵缺陷型光子晶體共振腔的差異。 低溫77K下,針對a面缺陷型光子晶體共振腔量測光激螢光頻譜,觀察到單一模態出現在419.3nm,其品質因子高達2×10^3以及極化率為51.3%,相較於c面缺陷型光子晶體的極化率高了8%。並在發現隨著注入載子的增加,共振模態的波長沒有藍移的現象。證實了在a面氮化鎵上製作光子晶體,大幅降低量子侷限效應的影響。
In this thesis, the high efficiency and high quality factor a-plane GaN-based photonic crystal (PC) L7 defect cavities were demonstrated and analyzed. The conventional c-plane quantum wells suffered from quantum confined Stark effect (QCSE), decreasing the recombination efficiency of the quantum wells. In order to solve this issue of QCSE, nonpolar a-plane GaN-based PC L7 defect cavities were proposed and fabricated using e-beam lithography and focused-ion beam milling. The optical characteristics of GaN-based PC L7 defect cavities on conventional c-plane and a-plane were compared and discussed. The a-plane and c-plane PC L7 defect cavities were measured using micro-photoluminescence at 77K. One dominated resonant mode was observed at 419.3nm with a quality factor of 2×10^3 in the a-plane PC L7 defect cavities. The degree of polarization of the a-plane PC L7 defect cavities was estimated to be 51.3%, which was 8% higher than that of the c-plane device. The resonant mode was almost invariant with increasing the injection carriers in a-plane PC L7 defect cavities, indicating that the a-plane PC L7 defect cavities are free of quantum confined Stark effect.
Appears in Collections:Thesis