Title: 探討P 型 SONOS 快閃記憶體元件抹寫週期忍耐度 之研究
Exploring Endurance Characteristic in P-Channel SONOS Memory Device
Authors: 張如薇
Chang, Ru-Wei
Shirota, Riichiro
Keywords: P 型 SONOS 快閃記憶體;抹寫週期忍耐度;穩定性;P-type SONOS flash memory;Endurance;Reliability
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 本篇論文主要研究P型SONOS快閃記憶體元件抹寫週期的忍耐度(endurance)藉由電洞引發熱電子 (CHHIHE) 動態寫入機制 (dynamic programming) 和 福勒-諾德漢穿隧 (FN tunneling erase) 抹除機制。採用三維元件模擬,來驗證量測特性。我們發現週期忍耐度後臨限電壓位移,閘極引發汲極漏電流(GIDL current) 上升 和次臨界擺幅 (SS) 上升等現像發生。本論文主要討論三種模型,發現电子捕陷模型(electron trap model)和界面態階模型(interface state model) 為最可能週期忍耐度後發生退化的主要原因。
In this thesis, we investigate endurance characteristic for 10K cycles in P-channel silicon-oxide-nitride-oxide-silicon (SONOS) memory device by using dynamic programming (PGM) scheme of Channel Hot Hole Induced Hot Electron injection (CHHIHE) and Fowler-Nordheim tunneling (FN) erase. After endurance, the Vt shift, gate-induced drain leakage (GIDL) current increase and subthreshold swing (SS) degradation occurred. So, in this work, 3 possible models of degradation are investigated by examining the measurement data and found that the electron trap and interface state models are the most reasonable to affect these degradations.
Appears in Collections:Thesis