Title: 60 GHz和100 GHz光載微波訊號系統之高速單邊帶單載波調變方式
High-Speed Single-Sideband Single-Carrier Modulation for 60-GHz and 100-GHz RoF System
Authors: 鄭有軒
Cheng, Yu-Hsuan
Lin, Chun-Ting
Keywords: 光載微波訊號;單邊帶單載波;600億赫茲;1000億赫茲;特定文字;radio-over-fiber;SSB-SC;60-GHz;100-GHz;Unique Word
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 在高科技與互動式多媒體的普及下,近幾年的行動科技發展蒸蒸日上,人們對於無線資料傳輸的需求量也逐漸攀升。為了提升資料傳輸量,首先是通訊協定在60-GHz頻段上釋出7-GHz免認證頻寬,能夠有效地達到近兆位元的資料傳輸速率;而在100-GHz(W-Band)頻段上,具有比60-GHz頻段更廣泛且不受限制的頻寬優勢,並利用光載微波信號系統,將光纖低損耗和光頻寬廣的頻寬特性,加以克服60-GHz 和100-GHz系統中無線訊號在空氣中的損耗劣勢。第二,相較於已經在光通訊上廣泛利用的正交分頻多工調變訊號,我們選擇峰均值功率比較低的單載波調變方式,避免訊號產生非線性校應而降低訊號效能,其中我們也提出單邊帶單載波調變方式使其更能加強頻譜使用效率,而單邊帶單載波訊號所遭遇的符元自相干擾問題與濾波器本身對的訊號干擾比,也在本論文中有詳細的分析與提出解決方式。最後,我們搭配空間多工的多輸入多輸出系統技術,再提高頻譜的使用效率,成功地在60-GHz的頻段7-GHz免認證頻寬上以64-QAM訊號格式,傳輸距離可達25公里及3.5公尺的無線傳輸,其資料傳輸速度達到84Gpbs。
With popularity of high-tech and interactive multimedia, people has desired the higher quality and higher capacity of the wireless communication with the flourishing mobile device in recent year. In order to enhance more data transmission speed, the Federal Communications Commission release a continuous range of 7-GHz unlicensed band which can offer multi-Gbit/s data rate efficaciously in 60-GHz wireless transmission. In additional, while in 100-GHz radio frequency transmission, it has a great advantage to use wider and free-space transmission band than 60-GHz. Because of lower propagation loss and wide bandwidth in fiber, we deploy Radio-over-Fiber system to overcome the signal propagation problem extremely in 60-GHz and 100-GHz system[1-3]. Compared of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) modulation in optical communication, Single Carrier modulation has low peak-to-average-power ratio (PAPR) that to avoid signal degradation induced by nonlinear effect. Thereinto, we also propose Single Sideband-Single Carrier modulation to increase spectrum efficiency[4]. However, SSB-SC signal will suffer penalty from self-inter-symbol interference, and signal to interference ratio from match filter. We have detailed analysis and effective solution in this thesis. Finally, the system can raise spectrum efficiency again with Multi-Input Multi-Output technology[5], we experimentally demonstrate 84-Gbps by 64-QAM SSB-SC signal within 7-GHz license-free bandwidth at 60-GHz over 25-km single-mode fiber and 3.5-m wireless transmission.
Appears in Collections:Thesis