標題: 高解析度二維和三維電阻抗斷層掃描影像
High Resolution Two-dimensional and Three-dimensional Electrical Impedance Tomography
作者: 盧琦偉
Lu, Chi-Wei
Choi, Charles T. M.
關鍵字: 核磁共振;電腦斷層掃描;虛擬通道;電阻抗斷層掃描;MRI;CT;virtual channel;Electrical impedance tomography
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 醫療影像和即時監控技術在手術前、手術中和手術後扮演著不可或缺的重要腳色。臨床團隊可以利用核磁共振(MRI)、電腦斷層掃描(CT)等技術對病患的狀況作適當的醫療評估,但CT和MRI都是構造複雜並且昂貴的設備,更重要的是這些影像技術不能做到即時的影像還原和監控病患,相反的利用電阻抗斷層掃描(EIT)具有可攜性、相對便宜和開發的便利性的性就能持續並且即時的監控病患的健康狀況。實際的醫療應用包含了在加護病房中的肺部呼吸監控及癌症的檢測。EIT是利用邊界量測值去計算帶測目標內電阻分布的影像技術,將電極陣列黏貼在物體表面,接著輸入電流後,計算物體的電壓分布,並量測電極陣列間的電壓差。我們利用此概念開發的電阻分布醫學影像並不侷限於二維中,只需要增加並且變更電極陣列的組態,即可顯示三維的影像,此篇論文提出了利用虛擬通道的概念用以改善EIT影像的解析度,提升影像的準確性和可靠性。
Medical imaging modalities become important techniques that change the clinical operations. The Medical imaging and Monitoring systems for therapy play important roles in nowadays. The clinical team could make pre and post evaluation of the patient by the information given from these imaging modalities like computerized tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). But these techniques are unable to reconstruct real-time images continuously and monitor the patients’ physical condition during the surgery. MRI is a medical imaging technique that used radiology to visualize the internal property of human body. In contrast electrical impedance tomography (EIT) is portable, cheap and convenient to implement. EIT is an imaging technique that could overcome these problems and is suitable for building the monitor system. This thesis proposed an algorithm to improve the resolution and the reliability of EIT images.