Title: | 智慧防災監測資訊整合平台之研發 Development of Intelligent Disaster Information Integrated Platform |
Authors: | 林子軒 Lin, Tzu-Hsuan 廖德誠 Liaw, Der-Cherng 電控工程研究所 |
Keywords: | 無線感測網路、物聯網、防災資訊管理、監測;WSN、IoT、Disaster Information、Monitoring |
Issue Date: | 2012 |
Abstract: | 近年來天災不斷、像是地震、火災、水災、風災、土石流等天然災害不斷的對人們的生命財產造成許多傷害。而在災害發生後,如何在最短的時間內把災害的資訊傳送到災害應變中心,以做最快速有效的災害搶救與資源分配也是相當重要的事。本研究提出一個智慧防災監測資訊整合平台,主要目的為管理監測資料、管理監測儀器、即時預警、災情傳遞與應變處置,此平台主要由無線感測網路端、資訊交換服務層與行動裝置應用層所組成。無線感測網路端藉由大量建置的無線感測節點,針對需要感知的物理量進行監測,藉由無線傳輸的方式傳送資料或是交換訊息。資訊交換服務層主要為主要作為前端無線感測網路與終端的行動裝置應用層溝通的橋梁。行動裝置應用層主要依靠終端的行動裝置上的APP對防災資訊進行管理與整合。本研究也利用案例來說明此智慧防災監測資訊整合平台的實際應用情境,包含了輻射的監測、地震後有害氣體的監控與災情發布。案例驗證結果初步證明了本研究研發之平台的彈性,不同的應用情境只需要些微修改即可利用本平台來達成所需要的功能。 Nowadays, the civil infrastructures are subjected to disasters such as fires, floods, and earthquakes. So, how to managing crisis situations via providing a good disaster management and emergency response information is very important now. This paper addresses the civil infrastructure issue of health monitoring and disaster management and propose an intelligent disaster information integrated platform. The framework of this platform is a three layered architecture. The top layer is a wireless sensor networks (WSN) client which is deployed in civil infrastructure to perform specific tasks such as sensing, data processing, and acknowledgement. The middle layer is an information exchange web service (IEWS), all information such as sensor data, structural health, and location are exchanged via this service. The third layer is a mobile device based information platform for data representation, control, and event notification. Three application cases are proposed to verify the feasibility of our platform. The experimental results shows that our proposed platform works fine and can be easily extended to other specific applications. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/73574 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |