標題: 具備快速反應及互穩壓消除之單電感四輸出降壓直流-直流電源轉換器
Single-Inductor Quad-Outputs (SIQO) DC-DC Converter with Fast Transient and Cross-Regulation Cancellation
作者: 蔡祖為
Tsai, Tsu-Wei
Chen, Ke-Horng
關鍵字: 單電感四輸出電源轉換器;快速反應單元;略過技術;SIQO Converter;FTU;Skip technique
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 在科技進步迅速的今日,攜帶式電子產品如智慧型手機、平板電腦等等已逐漸成為潮流被廣泛的使用,由於體積越來越小,電源處理的應用與整合更趨於重要,且為了有效延長使用時間,電源管理系統在功耗上有效運用是非常重要的一環。故本文提出一個運用於切換式電源轉換器的技術,以期在此切換式電源轉換器的電路中提供穩定之多輸出電壓。 本論文提出的內容,運用單一電感產生四輸出穩定電壓之直流直流電源轉換器,多組輸出電壓解決傳統切換式升降壓電源轉換器所需較多的外部元件,減少面積消耗,並高度整合原有結構缺陷,只使用一組電源轉換器就能提供攜帶式產品內部元件所需之不同電壓 針對使用單電感多輸出之電源轉換器所面臨的問題,本論文提出之快速反應單元可有效解決其互穩壓的問題,此外針對攜帶型產品運用上各電路的能量差異,提出輸出略過機制來有效提升使用效率,以及克服電路在極端能量下不正常工作之問題, 本系統所提出的方法運用於單電感多輸出直流直流轉換器上,採用聯華電子(UMC)四零奈米製程實現,實驗結果顯示本系統的方法可有效解決互穩壓影響,且減少外部元件使用,並穩定提供四輸出電壓來供給攜帶性電子產品
Nowadays, battery powered portable devices such as cell phone, personal digital assistants (PDAs), internet personal access devices (iPADs) become the main trend in our society. System-on-a-chip (SoC) integration leads the progress of portable devices. Portable devices pursue low power consumption, high performance, compactness, and robustness at the same time. This thesis proposes a single-inductor quad-outputs (SIQO) switching converter implemented in 40nm CMOS process to supply portable devices for compact size and high efficiency. Large power difference among different sub-circuits in the SoC causes the SIQO converter operates in extremely small duties at some specific outputs. Deliberated skip technique is necessary to get rid of small duty restriction for all outputs over a wide load range. Besides, some sub-circuits are noise sensitive so that high power rejection (PSR) low dropout regulator (LDR) is required to cascade in series with the SIQO outputs for getting low output voltage ripples. Furthermore, the SIQO converter has serious cross-regulation compared to single inductor dual output (SIDO) converter due to two additional outputs. The proposed fast transient unit (FTU) can enhance the transient speed, so the output variation is minimized and the cross-regulation among outputs is also reduced. As a result, the LDR suppresses the ripple while cross regulation is nearly canceled in the measurement results.