DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorHuang, Yu-Shanen_US
dc.description.abstract使用者與產品互動中,情緒是構築使用者經驗中不可或缺的一環。使用者與產品之間互動的情緒可以依互動前、互動中、互動後而產生不同階段的情緒,這三個階段可分別對應到Norman(2004)提出影響情緒與認知的三層次--本能層次、行為層次、反思層次,如果活動從本能層次開始稱為bottom up,如果活動從反思層次開始稱為top down。 在許多研究中都顯示情緒和認知有很大的關聯,情緒可以幫助我們快速做出判斷來適應環境,而認知也是形成情緒經驗的重要因素。因此每個人不同的認知風格都會影響情緒與認知的方式。認知風格可以依據評估訊息方式的不同分為理性與感性,其中理性的人是偏好邏輯、規則性的思考,透過理性方式來決定、判斷事物以及解決問題;而感性的人價值上是偏主觀,判斷時也會較依據情感或是當下的直覺。因此理性的人在思維方式上似乎是從反思層次開始,感性的人可能在思維方式上似乎是從本能層次開始。 智慧型手機已經成為我們生活中的必需品,但是目前的智慧型手機都是以設計師角度出發所設計的完整手機,就像是搭配好的套餐,而套餐中的組合卻不見得符合使用者的需求,因此本研究欲了解如果可以讓使用者去重新組合形成手機的元素,最後的手機會是什麼模樣?而使用者選擇這些元素背後的考量也可以提供未來手機設計上的參考。 本研究以Norman(2004)提出的情緒設計為架構,將手機根據本能層次拆解成可分析的元素例如顏色、形狀、尺寸等;行為層次拆解成介面的設計模式(design pattern);反思層次分成可分析的面向,以探索式的方式探討使用者在這三層次下所選擇的元素,再根據每位使用者所選擇的元素進一步歸納原因與推論出潛在的使用者需求。由於使用者的認知風格與活動引發的方式都會影響最後的結果,因此本研究納入使用者的認知風格變項與活動引發方式變項,以期得到較為客觀的結果。 研究結果發現本能層次以大尺寸、黑色與白色為趨勢,行為層次可以歸納出手機介面設計上參考的原則。而手機意義也隨著智慧型手機在當前文化脈絡的特性而有了轉向。此外,手機為理性使用者所帶來的使用者價值主要為功利價值與情緒價值,為感性使用者帶來的使用者價值除了功利價值、情緒價值,尚有社會重要性價值與精神價值。根據理性與感性使用者對手機的不同方面的需求,可針對理性使用者設計工作取向的手機,為感性使用者設計娛樂取向的手機。在Norman(2004)提出的情緒設計三層次上,發現活動除了從由下而上與由上而下的順序而引發,尚會從行為層次開始引發,因此三層次之間的互動與順序關係是更為複雜的。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractEmotion plays an essential role in building user experience in the interaction between users and products. Emotion generated from the interaction between users and products can be divided according to different stages of interaction, namely pre-interaction, mid-interaction and post-interaction, which correspond to D. A. Norman’s three levels of processing affecting emotion and cognition– visceral, behavioral and reflective. When activity is activated from the visceral level, it is called bottom up; when activity is activated from the reflective level, it is called top down. Many studies reveal that emotion is closely related to cognition. Emotion is of great importance in helping us make timely judgments and enabling us to adapt ourselves to the environment. Cognition, on the other hand, is also of fundamental importance in determining emotional experience. Therefore, the difference in cognitive style has an impact on how one’s emotion and cognition operate. In terms of the decision-making preferences, individuals can be divided according to their cognitive style into thinkers and feelers. Thinkers tend to base their thinking on logic and rules, and they are rational in decision-making, judging, and problem-solving. Feelers are relatively more subjective, and they tend to be guided by their feelings or intuitions in the very moment of judging. Therefore, it seems that thinkers and feelers think respectively on reflective and visceral level. Smartphone has become an essential part of our lives. However, current smartphone s are all designed by designers like a set meal, but the components in set meal might not meet users’ demands. Therefore, the present study is curious about the result if users are capable of composing the elements of smartphones. Users’ considerations on choosing the elements can also be reference by designers when they design smartphones in the future. By adopting and applying Norman’s (2004) emotional design as the theoretical framework of this study, the present study has identified different elements of mobile phones, such as color, shape and size on the visceral level, its design pattern on the behavioral level and many analyzable dimensions on the reflective level in order to explore what elements users choose based on the three levels. According to the result, we have tried to further generalize the reasons and identify potential user needs. Because both users’ cognitive style and the ways activating activities will have an impact on the result, we have to include these two variables in order to make the result more objective Generally speaking, we have noticed users’ clear preference towards large, black, and white cell phones , and from this we have derived some principles which can be applied to interface design. The meaning of smartphones has also changed owing to its qualities in today’s cultural context. In addition, Smartphone symbolizes utility value and emotional value to thinkers, while symbolizing utility value, emotional value, social significance value, and spiritual value to feelers. According to thinkers’ and feelers’ different needs, we can design work-oriented cell phones for the former, and entertainment-oriented cell phones for latter. Finally, besides bottom-up and top-down in Norman’s three levels of emotional design, we have noticed that activity can also be generated from the behavioral level, and the interaction and order between the three levels are even more complicated.en_US
dc.subjectemotional designen_US
dc.subjectcellphone user experienceen_US
dc.subjectcognitive styleen_US
dc.subjectthinking and feeling styleen_US
dc.titleAn Exploratory Study on Smartphone in Three Levels of Emotional Designen_US