Title: 異質多網手持裝置之網路連線感知的多媒體串流機制
Network Connectivity Aware Streaming Mechanism for Mobile Devices with Multiple Heterogeneous Wireless Network Adaptors
Authors: 王嘉敬
Wang, Jia-Jing
Tseng, Chien-Chao
Keywords: 智慧型手持裝置;多媒體通訊;seamless handoff;VoIP;SIP;Android
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 受惠於智慧型手持裝置與電信行動網路的蓬勃發展,讓人不再受限於在固定場所來連上網路。一般的智慧型手持裝置均配備有多個無線網路介面,例如:Wi-Fi和3G網路介面。目前Android系統並不支援異質網路間的垂直換手,或是同時使用多個網路介面上網。本論文的目標是在Android系統上實現能夠在異質無線網路間垂直換手的應用程式架構,讓應用程式在裝置移動的過程中,保持網路連線不中斷的服務並且選擇連線品質最好的網路介面。
在手持裝置上最需要邊走邊使用的應用程式就是Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)這類即時通訊程式了,而VoIP程式大多使用Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)來初始化一個多媒體通訊會話。本論文有別於其他使用SIP mobility來讓VoIP user agents (UA)達到網路換手,而是透過本論文提出的機制可以在不中斷已經建立的call session的情況下就能達到相同目的。此外本論文實作的機制讓使用者在Wi-Fi無線網路熱點之間移動時也會有良好的通訊品質,而且當使用者超出Wi-Fi無線網路涵蓋範圍之後,還可以適時地切換至3G網路讓通話可以維持通訊。
我們將本論文所提出的機制整合至Linphone (VoIP user agent, VoIP UA),用來驗證本論文提出的機制是可用於一般常見的VoIP UAs。除了Linphone軟體模組的修改之外,也需要進一步的修改Android framework的connectivity service以及增加額外的routing policy,讓Linphone可以同時且任意的使用Android上的Wi-Fi和3G網路介面。總結來說,本系統除了替Linphone增加網路連線感知能力,並且根據連線狀況選控最佳的網路介面,讓Linphone可以在異質網路間無縫換手,並且保持在最佳的通話品質。
The advance in smart phones and telecommunication technologies, it is now possible to access Internet anytime, anywhere. Nowadays, most of smart phones equip with multiple network interfaces, for examples Wi-Fi and 3G interfaces. However, existing Android system does not support vertical handoff between Wi-Fi and 3G access networks. The aim of this thesis is to provide an application framework on Android for mobile devices to select the most appropriate wireless interface and to retain ongoing sessions.
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) applications is the representative services that require session continuity for mobile users. Most of VoIP applications adopt Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) as the signaling protocol to setup a multimedia communication session. In this thesis, we propose a mechanism that can utilize the most appropriate interface to retain the ongoing sessions when the statuses of underlying network change.
We conduct several experiments to validate the proposed mechanisms. We modified Linphone (VoIP User Agent, VoIP UA) and use it to demonstrate our mechanism. and Furthermore we override the connectivity service of Android framework and insert our own routing policy to achieve service continuity. Experimental results show that an ongoing VoIP session can continue with only negligible interruption.
Appears in Collections:Thesis