標題: 半導體產業廠商員工離職因素之探討-以M公司為例
The Study on the Factors of Employee Turnover in Semiconductor Industry – A Case Study of M Company
作者: 張台光
Tai-Kuang Chang
Dr. Yau-De Wang
關鍵字: 員工離職;半導體產業;個案研究;Turnover;Semiconductor Industry;Case Study
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 台灣半導體產業分工細密,產業的群聚效應同時使產業內同業面臨激烈的競爭環境,由於核心人力供需失調加上同業間的惡性挖角,導致從業人員跳槽風氣盛行。由於半導體產業廠商常採用高薪與優厚的福利制度來挖角與吸引優秀的人才,導致員工在金錢誘惑下,更換工作的頻率明顯高於其他產業的員工。而企業成員的陣容與穩定性攸關各公司發展核心技術能力及確保競爭優勢。人力資源的高流動現象,除了造成企業的人力資源成本愈來愈高之外,也會妨礙企業的技術研發與創新。 基於此,本研究回顧最近五年內半導體產業之發展,與M個案公司之發展狀況與離職狀況,以個人因素、組織因素、與外部環境因素來檢討半導體產業員工離職的因素,歸納出除了財務性報酬為主要誘因之外,學習機會、工作成就感、公司的形象與聲望、對公司目標認同與否、領導效能、企業願景、組織承諾、企業文化、同業競爭對手營運績效、技術相關性產業的興起等因素,都會影響半導體產業員工之離職意願。
In last decade, the application of computer, communication and multi-media products have been the mainstream of the world-wide consumer needs which contributed to the booming of semiconductor industry in Taiwan. Also, the semiconductor industry became the strategic industry of the Taiwanese government economic development plan. And so far most of the companies located in Hsin-Chu Science Park area. The semiconductor industry cluster resulted in a war for talents between IC design, Wafer/ DRAM foundry, IDM(integrated device manufacturing) industries related company. In the R&D centered companies, technical talents are the key success factors for the roadmap of next generation technology and product development. It also has a great influence upon company business development in the future. But the high turnover rate of employee in the Science Park area is the disadvantage to the innovation of all companies. This case study indicated that financial incentive program is one of the major ways for recruiting and retaining the talents. Besides, this research also revealed that the effect of the non-financial factors such as internal career development, job achievement, corporate image, vision, culture, leadership, organizational commitments and external job opportunities are also the causes of the semiconductor industry employee turnover and same as the financial factor.