標題: 我國代工業者美國專利法上默示授權抗辯
Implied License as a Defense to Taiwan Subcontractor
作者: 劉羽珊
Liu, Yu-Shan
Liu, Shang-Jyh
關鍵字: 默示授權;權利耗盡;代工;契約解釋;implied license;exhaustion;have made;foundry;license contract
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 代工生產模式為我國製造業重心,我國代工業者無論以代客生產(Foundry)或委託外包生產(Have Made)模式經營,皆不能避免國際專利權人之侵權訴訟挑戰。其中,不侵權抗辯之一的默示授權主張,性質上界於專利法與契約法二者競合領域,透過一般契約法解釋原則釐清專利權人締約過程中行為效力和授權契約書面條款內容真意,影響專利權人排他權行使範圍。



除了依據以上差異釐清,對代工業者而言,默示授權抗辯對解釋委託外包生產(Have Made)經營模式下,未經專利權人直接授權即可合法實施專利產品生產不可或缺;而權利耗盡抗辯則使代客生產(Foundry)模式經營之代工業者可以合法拓展業務,廣泛銷售專利產品,本文也進一步探討,我國代工生產發展出的全球產銷服務形態是否影響其所得主張之相關抗辯。
The Patent Act enable patentees through forbidding third parties to make, use, sell, offer to sell, and import the patented innovation to foreclose competition. Meanwhile, The Patent Act also explains that “patents shall have the attributes of personal property” one result of this characterization is that patentee could license their rights to others. To legally practice the patented innovation, one has to obtain patentee’s agreement, or buy patented produvt from authorized sale.
In the absence of express agreement from the patentee, the potential infringer may claim implied infringement immunity under two doctrine: implied license and patent exhaustion.
According to the leading case De Forest v. U.S.:” No formal granting of a license is necessary in order to give it effect. Any language used by the owner of the patent or any conduct on his part exhibited to another, from which that other may properly infer that the owner consents to his use of the patent in making or using it, or selling it, upon which the other acts, constitutes a license,and a defense to an action for a tort.” Implied license could occur in varied situations.
By studying cases selected from Federal Circuit and the Supreme Court, this article try to analyze elements of implied license and the difference between implied license and exhaustion, and how contract language and patentees’ conduct influence construction of a contract.