標題: 肢體動作情緒元素與自動作曲整合系統
The Integration System of Body Movement, Emotion Elements, and Automated Composition
作者: 羅尹均
Lo, Yin-Chun
Tseng, Yu-Chung
Huang, Chih-Fang
關鍵字: 拉邦運動分析;二維情緒圖;情緒音樂;準則作曲;電腦自動作曲;互動科技整合;Laban Movement Analysis;Two-Dimentional Model of Emotion;Emotional Music;Algorithmic Composition;Computer Automated Composition;Interactive Technology Integration
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 本論文主要探討肢體動作對應情緒因素產生相對應音樂的互動音樂科技系統,根據肢體動作的量質化及其蘊含的情緒因素,並透過二維情緒圖解析不同情緒的基本動機元素,將其對應至音樂的元素,並經由準則自動作曲的邏輯產生具有情緒的音樂作品。 肢體動作的量質化根據「拉邦運動分析(Laban Movement Analysis)」理論,將人體動作質化為基本的運動形態,再透過運動學的相關研究,將運動形態以運動學量化。並依照文獻的研究結果,以量化後動作因子與情緒模型產生之情緒基本動機因子Arousal及Valance對應,藉以做為情緒音樂之重要參數。情緒音樂的產生以準則作曲為實現方法,藉由「音級(Pitch Class)」及「馬可夫鏈(Markov Chain)」理論,設計具有隨機性之自動作曲邏輯,經由電腦產生相對應之音樂。 本系統實作方面以Max/MSP為程式撰寫平台,透過體感裝置Kinect擷取動作送入程式內,經過LMA動作與情緒對應系統、自動作曲系統,進而即時的產生音樂。 此系統經過問卷實驗,驗證其輸入動作及音樂與情緒的關聯性,結果顯示此系統對於情緒動作及情緒音樂的整合具有一定程度的可行性。
The thesis is about the mutual technological system of producing music with emotional features through physical movement. Based on the qualitative and quantitative analysis of physical movement and its emotional factors, the basic motivational elements will be analyzed through the use of two-dimension emotion diagram. The corresponding musical elements with the conventional auto composing logic will decide the emotional features of the final composition of music. The qualitative and quantitative aspects of the physical movement are based on Laban Movement Analysis. It describes human action with several basic physical movement aspects and then quantifies them according to the related research on physical movement. According to the results of some literature study, the basic emotional factors Arousal and Valance can be found through quantifying the movement factors. And emotional prototype is the most important parameter in emotional music composition. Through the casually computer automated composition function, emotional music will be produced with the standard composing theory - the theory of Pitch Class and Markov Chain. The practical system of the program is based on the Max/MSP. Through the Kinect, the physical movement will be recorded and the data will be run in the program. With LMA's movement and emotion parallel system and auto composition system, the relative music could be produced immediately. Through the experiment and questionnaire, the relationship between human emotion and physical movement will be shown, and the possibility of connecting human emotion and physical movement will be proved, and emotional music will be produced by the system at the same time.


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