標題: 汽車第三人責任險理賠支出之經濟影響因素分析
Analysis of economic factors of third party liability automobile insurance claims
作者: 杜茂笙
Chou, Ray YeuTien
關鍵字: 汽車第三人責任保險;損失幅度;損失頻率;Third party liability automobile insurance claims;loss severity;loss frequency
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 本論文研究期間以民國87 年至民國101 年共15 年的各項統計數據,針對數據資料來探討這些社會經濟變數與汽車責任保險理賠支出中損失幅度與損失頻率有無顯著影響。 以一般大眾最常使用的自用小客車來看,所採用的教育程度變數對汽車第三人傷害責任保險的損失幅度與損失頻率分別具有顯著的正向與負向影響;消費者物價指數則對汽車第三人傷害責任險與財損責任險的損失幅度皆呈現顯著的負向影響;失業率則對汽車第三人傷害責任險的損失幅度與汽車第三人財損責任保險的損失幅度與損失頻率亦具有顯著之負向影響。
This thesis uses 15 years of annual data spanning 1998-2012 to analyze the economic factors affecting third party liability automobile insurance claims in terms of severity and frequency of losses. For personal use passenger cars, education level seems to positively affect the severity of insurance claims but its effect is significantly negative in frequency of the claims. The consumer price index has a negative effect on the insurance claim in severity. The unemployment rate has a significantly negative effect on insurance claims in both severity and frequency.
Appears in Collections:Thesis