標題: 溫室氣體盤查與空調系統節能之評估-以某半導體測試廠為例
GHG inventory and assessment of the energy saving air-conditioning systems-A case study of semiconductor testing house
作者: 余彩萍
關鍵字: 溫室氣體盤查;半導體測試廠;空調系統;節能減碳;greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory;semiconductor testing house;air-conditioning system;power save;carbon emission reduction
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 有鑑於國際對「全球暖化」與「氣候變遷」議題的持續關注,溫室氣體減量已成為全球各國之共同目標。雖然半導體測試產業未屬溫室氣體排放量申報之行業別,然為因應綠色供應鏈模式及企業社會責任的要求,業者仍積極執行自主節能減碳行動,投入保護地球環境及氣候之行列。 能源耗用與人為溫室氣體(CO2)排放的關聯性最為密切,而本研究的對象為一半導體測試廠,屬高耗電產業,且面臨降低成本的壓力,因而有提昇能源使用效率的需求。本研究透過QCC(Quality Control Circle)品管圈概念,依該半導體測試廠之現況探討最適合之空調系統節能方法,以成本低、成效快速及團隊合作方式,將相關設施優化,提升空調系統之運轉效益以達成節能的目標。 本研究利用盤查結果擬定減碳方向與節能優先順序,共調查了該半導體測試廠之A、B、C三廠區2011~2012年溫室氣體的排放情形。結果顯示,2011年能源間接排放佔總排放量97.47%以上,主要溫室氣體排放量來源為外購電力;2012年所計算的溫室氣體排放量為47,572.90公噸CO2e /年,較2011年少4146.18公噸CO2e /年,總排放減量約降低8.02%。該測試廠於2012年首次運用冰水系統效能節能控制模組,實施調降空調冷卻水塔之進水溫度與調高冰水主機出水溫度,已減少溫室氣體排放量分別為109.43公噸及454.71公噸,相當於1.5座大安森林公園一年二氧化碳之吸碳量,抑制了2012年溫室氣體排放量約1.19%以上。本研究顯示調整空調系統之操作條件能夠有效達到節能及降低成本的目的,為現階段具體可行的節能減碳作法。
Due to continuing concern over global warming and climate change issues, greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction now becomes the common goal in countries around the world. Although semiconductor test industry is not obliged to report GHG emissions, the industry still actively involves in volutary energy saving and carbon reduction to protect the earth envrionmennt and climate in response to the demand of green supply chain and corporate social responsibility. Energy consumption is closely related to anthropogenic GHG, i.e. CO2, emissions. The semiconductor testing house of this study is power-consuming and faces the pressure to cut the cost. Therefore, there is a demand to improve energy efficiency in this plant. This study uses quality control circle (QCC) concept and targets at low cost, fast output and team effort to optimize the performace of relavant facilities. The purpose is to improve the efficiency of the air-conditioning system to achieve the energy-saving goal. The carbon reduction and power saving priorities were first set by the survey of the GHG emission inventory. Three factories: A, B, and C of the semiconductor testing plant were investigated for the GHG emissions from 2011 to 2012. Results show that indirect energy emissions contribute 97.47 % of total emissions and the main source is purchased electricity. The estimated total GHG emission is 47,572.90 tons CO2e/year in 2012, which is 4146.18 tons CO2e/year less than that in 2011 or 8.02 % reduction in total emissions. The plant used the power-saving control module for the chiller system for the first time in 2012 to reduce the inlet water temperature of the cooling tower and to increase the outlet water temperature of the chiller. As a result, 109.43 and 454.71 tons of GHG emissions were reduced, respectively. This emission reduction is equivalent to 1.5 times carbon dioxide sink of the Daan Park in Taipei achieving 1.19 % of total GHG emissions in 2012. Therefore, the goal of energy saving and cost cutting can be achieve by proper adjustment of the operational conditions of the air-conditioning system. It is a practical energy saving and carbon reduction method at the current stage.