標題: Fast Intra-Network and Cross-Layer Handover (FINCH) for WiMAX and Mobile Internet
作者: Yeh, Jui-Hung
Chen, Jyh-Cheng
Agrawal, Prathima
Pealtek NCTU Joint Res Ctr
關鍵字: Intradomain mobility management;cross-layer design;WiMAX;mobile Internet
公開日期: 1-四月-2009
摘要: To support fast and efficient handovers in mobile WiMAX, we propose Fast Intra-Network and Cross-layer Handover (FINCH) for intradomain (intra-CSN) mobility management. FINCH is a complementary protocol to Mobile IP (MIP), which deals with interdomain (inter-CSN) mobility management in mobile WiMAX. FINCH can reduce not only the handover latency but also the end-to-end latency for MIP. Paging extension for FINCH is also proposed to enhance the energy efficiency. The proposed FINCH is especially suitable for real-time services in frequent handover environment, which is important for future mobile WiMAX networks. In addition, FINCH is a generic protocol for other IEEE 802-series standards. This is especially beneficial for the integration of heterogeneous networks, for instance, the integration of WiMAX and WiFi networks. Both mathematical analysis and simulation are developed to analyze and compare the performance of FINCH with other protocols. The results show that FINCH can support fast and efficient link layer and intradomain handovers. The numerical results can also be used to select proper network configurations.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TMC.2008.149
ISSN: 1536-1233
DOI: 10.1109/TMC.2008.149
Volume: 8
Issue: 4
起始頁: 558
結束頁: 574


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