標題: 全球化下跨國企業的資源整合策略-以全球整合型企業IBM為例
The Resource Integration Strategy of Multinational Corporation - Example of Globally Integrated Enterprise IBM
作者: 王以潔
Wang, Yi-Gye
Yang, Chyan
關鍵字: 全球化;企業轉型;知識基礎理論;競爭優勢;專業分工;共享式服務;全球整合型企業;Globalization;Business Transformation;Knowledge Based Theory;Competitive Advantage;Shared Services;Globally Integrated Enterprise
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 隨著資訊科技的發展,商業活動早已不受限於國家實體距離,全球化已然成形,但企業如何提升競爭優勢,如何快速因應競爭激烈的全球市場便成為全球化背景下企業得以成功制勝的關鍵因素。 本文由全球化相關文獻以及企業轉型策略出發,以知識基礎理論以及專業分工理論分析企業的競爭優勢,並以本身曾面臨全球化經營問題之企業- IBM做為個案分析對象,探討IBM由多國籍企業成功轉型為全球整合型企業(Globally Integrated Enterprise)的過程及方法。 IBM於2006年首度正式提出「全球整合型企業」的概念,將組織、管理工作以及作業程序進行重新設計和建構,依據每個流程特性找出最適合執行的地點,於世界各地以專業化的方式完成,將企業資源進行整合,並結合新技術以及良好的財務、資訊等管理系統為企業創造更高價值,這種營運模式使企業不再只是追求生產的最低成本,而是致力於最佳化作業流程,提升企業彈性與營運效率,以便更迅速的回應市場需求。 本文除了分析IBM實踐全球整合型企業之因素與效益外,亦探討IBM於轉型過程中出現的問題與障礙,供欲整合全球資源之企業參考,進而儘早思考因應之道,期望以此讓全球整合型企業的研究及發展更為完整。
With the development of information technology, business activities are not limited to distance or nationality, which means the globalization is already formed, but how do companies increase their competitive advantage and how to respond to competitive market more quickly have become the key success factor in the global business environment. This thesis refers to globalization literature and business transformation strategy, using knowledge-based and work specialization theory to analyze company’s competitive advantage, and using IBM as a case study. To study how IBM transformed from Multinational Corporation to Globally Integrated Enterprise successfully. IBM proposed Globally Integrated Enterprise in 2006 formally, it focused on integrating all kind of resources of the company, the mission is to optimize key operations in the right places in the world, and each process should be performed in the most suitable location with specialized manner to eliminate redundancies. Therefore, the management structure and operation procedures are redesigned. In order to create higher value, companies do not just pursue the lowest cost, but commit to optimizing process, enhancing operational efficiency and flexibility to respond to the global market quickly. This thesis does not only analyze IBM’s practice and the benefits from Globally Integrated Enterprise, but also explores the problems and challenges appeared in IBM’s transformation course. Hope this study can provide reference to company who intends to integrate its resources and become more competitive in the era of globalization.