标题: 应用决策树于水库防洪减淤 最佳操作规则之研究-以曾文水库为例
The Application of Decision Tree to the Optimal Operation Rules of Reservoir Flood Control and Sediment Sluicing– A case of Tseng Wen Reservoir
作者: 张瀚文
Chang, Han-Wen
Chang, Liang-Cheng
关键字: 水库防洪操作;决策树;遗传演算法;Reservoir Flood Control;Decision Tree;Genetic Algorithm
公开日期: 2013
摘要: 台风所带来的降雨是台湾主要的用水来源,但大量的降雨常带来洪水灾害,且因台湾山区地形高陡及地质结构松散,大量洪水除易造成土石流灾害外,大量泥砂进入库区,造成淤积而缩短水库寿命。因此如何在台洪时期藉由适当的操作手段,在维持水库安全的前提下,除考量减洪以及供水外,尽量提高水库的排砂量,乃为重要的议题。
Typhoon events are major sources of water in Taiwan. However, extreme storm events could cause floods and damages due to fragile geological conditions and mountainous area with steep slope of terrain. The storm events not only cause debris flow but also bring huge amount of sediment into reservoirs which would reduce the life of reservoirs. Therefore, how to operate a reservoir during storm events considering multiple objectives, flood control, water supply, and sediment sluicing, is a critical issue.
This study develops an optimization planning model for reservoir operation during storm events considering flood control and sediment sluicing. In this optimization model, genetic algorithms, water and sediment simulation model, and reservoir operation rules are incorporated for realistic results. The result shows the optimal reservoir release hydrograph considering dam safety, operation rules, water supply, and sediment sluicing. In addition, decision tree is used to provide operation principals considering predefined scenarios which include various reservoir's initial storage, target storage, and synthesis storm events.
Compare the optimization planning model (OPM) with the decision tree operation rules (DTOR), the DTOR model produces 1.4% more of the sediment removal but 6.40×106 m3 less of reservoir storage than the OM model output for the event of Krosa Typhoon in 2007. For the event of Jangmi Typhoon in 2008, the DTOR model produces 2.2% less of the sediment removal and 20.54×106 m3 less of reservoir storage than the OPM model output. Compare the DTOR model with the historical record, the DTOR model produces 15.4% more of the sediment removal but 8.38×106 m3 less of reservoir storage than the historical record of the Krosa Typhoon; and 24.4% more of the sediment removal but 7.58×106 m3 less of reservoir storage than the historical record of Jangmi Typhoon. The results show that the proposed DTOR model can increase the sediment sluicing and the life of the reservoir.