Title: 基於車載網路最佳化行車效率之協同式多路口交通控制
Cooperative Traffic Control with Driving Efficiency Optimization for Multiple Intersections Based on Vehicular Networks
Authors: 張家甄
Chang, Chia-Chen
Tseng, Yu-Chee
Keywords: 動態交通控制;智慧化運輸系統;交通管理;車載通訊;Dynamic Traffic Control;Intelligent Transportation System;Traffic Management;Vehicular Communications
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 在城市中,交通擁塞一直是個重要且棘手的問題,沒有效率的交通控制系統造成時間上的浪費並消耗大量汽油,因此也增加溫室氣體的排放量、提高意外的風險以及經濟上的損失。在本篇文章中,我們提出一套協同式交通控制的框架,目標為提高路網中通過車輛的數目。協同式指的是基於車載網路,車輛會傳送訊息至路口的紅綠燈,而鄰近的紅綠燈間也藉由通訊來交換車流資料。我們考慮鄰近路口的車流量並分析合併後的車輛通過率來達到通過車輛數目的最大化,並且能對每個路段提供公平性,以及針對主幹道形成green wave的概念。我們藉由考慮多個路段的車輛通過率來改進先前的方法,模擬結果顯示我們的方法提高路網中通過車輛的數目、降低駕駛人的等待時間及行駛時間,並減少二氧化碳的排放量。我們也實作了以WAVE/DSRC為基礎的雛形系統來驗證我們提出的框架的可行性。
Traffic congestion has been a critical issue in most cities. Inefficient traffic control causes waste of time and fuel, emissions of harmful carbon, risk of road accidents, and many economy issues. In this work, we propose a cooperative traffic control framework, which aims to optimize the global throughput of multiple intersections. We take adjacent intersections into consideration to analyze their joint passing rate and try to maximize the global throughput of the road network. Our framework can provide fairness for each road segment and realize the green wave concept for arterial roads. This work improves earlier works by considering the passing rates of multiple road segments. Simulation results show that the proposed framework can achieve higher global throughput, reduce average waiting time and lower down total traveling time. We also design and implement a WAVE/DSRC-based prototype to verify the feasibility of our framework.
Appears in Collections:Thesis