Title: 品牌形象影響消費者購買家具用品行為之研究 -以台北市居民為例
The Study of the Impact of Brand Images on Consumer Purchasing Behavior of Furniture-A Case of Taipei City Citizens
Authors: 林杰煇
Lin, Chieh-Hui
Chen, Quang-Hua
Keywords: 家具用品;品牌形象;產品屬性;消費者行為;Furniture;Brand Image;Product Attribute;Consumer Behavior
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 在全球化以及的驅使之下,許多在國外行之有年的家具廠商紛紛進駐了台灣,形成成台灣家具產業的改變。並且不同的廠商對於消費者而言都有不同的品牌印象,在各種的情況之下影響著消費者的購買決策,因此本研究將探討台北市消費者對於家具用品的購買行為以及品牌形象對於購買行為又有何影響。
Because of globalization and economic enhancement, many foreign furniture brands have joined the Taiwan market and altered the local market.As different brands brining different brand images to consumers, the purchasing decisions are affected. Therefore, this study will find out the consumers’purchasing behavior of furniture in Taipei city and the impact of brands images on purchasing behavior.
This study uses questionnaires to collect data. By using different variables, such as sources of imfermation, purchasing motives, product attributes of furniture, this study analyzes consumers’behavior.Factor analysis, Chi-Squares Test, One Way ANOVA Analysis and Regrassion Analysis are adopted.
The results of the article are following:
1. The behavior of consumers in Taipei city on purchasing furniture is significiant different in purchasing motives, product attributes, brand images .
2. Functional brand images, symbolic brand images, and experiential brand images positively affect brand purchased.
3. Functional brand images, symbolic brand images, and experiential brand images positively affect how much money consumer paid.
4. Functional brand images and symbolic brand images positively affect purchasing occation.
Finally, this article provides some marketing recommendations and future research.
Appears in Collections:Thesis