标题: 热影像行人侦测与人脸辨识演算法及其于夜间陌生人侦测之应用
Pedestrian Detection and Face Recognition Algorithms of Thermal Image with Applications to Stranger Detection at Night
作者: 林群富
Lin, Chun-Fu
Lin, Sheng-Fuu
关键字: 行人侦测;人脸辨识;热影像;夜间陌生人侦测;pedestrian detection;face recognition;thermal image;stranger detection at night
公开日期: 2013
摘要: 近年在防盗系统等等应用的需求下,行人侦测演算法与人脸辨识演算法已成为关键的研究领域。而由于热影像能清楚地反应人体皮肤表面温度的辐射,因此热影像已经被使用来避免由于光源的照度变化对系统所产生的影响。然而传统的热影像行人侦测与人脸辨识系统的侦测效能仍然不足,所以本论文提出新的热影像行人侦测演算法与人脸辨识演算法来提升系统的效能。本论文提出的热影像行人侦测演算法,设计一组新的行人轮廓特征,不同于传统行人特征,该组特征由行人候选区域的选取技术所发展而来,本论文提出的热影像行人侦测演算法,可以改善传统热影像行人侦测系统的侦测率。另外一方面,本论文提出的热影像人脸辨识演算法,不同于传统辨识系统只使用温度值统计资讯做为特征,也使用较高温区域的分布位置资讯,可以改善传统热影像人脸辨识演算法的效能。本论文将提出的热影像行人侦测演算法与人脸辨识演算法,搭配可见光人脸侦测演算法,应用于夜间陌生人侦测。实验结果显示,可有效侦测夜间的陌生人。
Pedestrian detection and face recognition are critical research fields given the requirements of applications such as burglarproof systems. Thermal imagery has been proposed to eliminate variations in illumination because it clearly identifies the heat radiating from the human skin. However, the performance of traditional thermal pedestrian detection and face recognition systems remains insufficient. Thus, this dissertation presents pioneering thermal imagery algorithms for pedestrian detection and face recognition to enhance the performance of systems. The proposed pedestrian detection algorithm of thermal image involves pioneering outline features developed from the ROI generation method of pedestrians, which are different from traditional features. The proposed pedestrian detection algorithm of thermal image improves performance of the traditional thermal pedestrian detection system. The proposed thermal face recognition algorithm uses not only statistical temperature information but also the position information of areas with higher temperature. The proposed face recognition algorithm of thermal image improves performance of the traditional thermal face recognition system. The proposed pedestrian detection and face recognition algorithms of thermal image interact with face detection algorithm of visible images, and are applied to stranger detection at night. Thus, the proposed system can detect strangers at night in the presence of pedestrians.