標題: 綠色港口推動策略
The Promoting Strategy of Green Ports
作者: 林素如
Lin, Su-Ru
Sheu, Jiuh-Biing
Hu, Tung-Lai
關鍵字: 綠色港口;綠色誘因;產業群聚;進入障礙;推動策略;green-port;green incentives;industry clustering;entry barrier;promoting trategy
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 依國際能源總署2010年報告 (International Energy Agency, 2010)及2008年部門別溫室氣體排放數據分析,運輸部門排碳比率排名第二位,另運輸部門二氧化碳排放總量中,船舶燃油排放量占第二位,顯示海運活動造成環境汙染及影響周圍居民健康。 本研究經訪談15家知名貨櫃航商及18個國內外國際商港,研究指出綠色指標港口首為長灘港,次為洛杉磯港、新加坡港及鹿特丹港;港口推動綠色策略的重點為空氣品質改善及水污染防治,航商則最關切獎勵措施。知名綠色港口均提供多項誘因,惟只要有貨源,港口即使有再高的綠色標準,此港口仍是航線的重要據點。 本研究發現除寧波港、釜山港外,其餘港口認為綠色港口的推動與永續發展及企業社會責任均正相關,並能形塑港口綠色意象。至造成船舶進入港口的障礙,僅在初期,並僅限次級船及對資本較小的航商。因腹地不足及港區內的土地係供需要水資源的業別使用等因,13個港口認為綠能產業尚不能於港口產生群聚,惟如於港口附近城市聚集,則對港口發展仍有助益。 在推動策略方面,港口最佳行銷策略為服務效能、網路、人員互訪及舉辦研討會等,航商則認為低營運成本、裝卸效率、貨源及人員互訪為港口最佳行銷策略。綠色港口行銷策略與上述策略大致相同,另6家航商認為獎勵係最好的行銷策略及港口本身極具競爭力者,對綠色港口的推動較具影響力。 綠色港口的推動,需政府協助之前4項,受訪港口認為係「激勵措施」、「政府政策」、「環保技術處理」及「管理部門協調」,受訪航商則認為是「成本增加」、「需政府預算與政策支援」、「員工教育與訓練」及「明定法律及獎勵措施」。本研究建議臺灣港務公司以成本較低的誘因(明定期限、依國籍不同) 、頒發綠色旗幟獎(由得奬航商於網路上敘述各得奬經驗)推動綠色港口策略,密切注意全世界岸電設施港口規格等,期與國際接軌,並與港口所在地的地方環保機關共同研議綠色港口推動相關措施,以創三贏局勢。建議交通部航港局儘速將綠色港口相關國際公約國內法化,俾臺灣港務公司及港口的使用者有所遵循,並邀請經濟部、行政院環保署等政府機關,及各知名貨櫃航商共同宣示臺灣綠色宣言。
According to the report of International Energy Agency, 2010, the second highest greenhouse gas emission sector of 2008 is transportation. Among the transportation sector, maritime bunker fuel produces the second highest carbon dioxide emission. It proves the fact that shipping is one of the major causes of environmental pollution which affects the health of the near-by inhabitants. Through interviews of 15 well-known container carriers as well as 18 domestic and overseas commercial ports, the green port evaluation ranks Long Beach as number one, Los Angeles, Singapore and Rotterdam followed sequentially. Air quality improvements and water pollution prevention are keys to drive green ports forward, whereas incentives are what carriers concern mostly. No matter how high-standard requirements of green ports acquire, they remain strongholds of sailing routes as long as they hold sufficient cargo sources. Except Ningbo and Pusan, other ports agree the implement of green ports, sustainable developments, and corporate social responsibilities are positive correlation. Entry barriers occur merely in the beginning and are limited to substandard ships and carriers with small capital. Due to the factors of insufficient hinterlands and the limitation of water usage in the ports, 13 ports consent to green industries are not enough to create cluster effects; however, gathering in the cities nearby ports benefits the port development. The port marketing strategies includes service efficiency, network, courtesy visits, conference holding and so on, whereas carriers indicates low operational cost, cargo handling efficiency, cargo sources and courtesy visits are the best. The marketing strategies of green port are same as above ones and in addition, 6 carriers agree both incentive strategies as well as the port itself with competitive advantages influence greatly on green ports motivations. The first four motivations of green ports, which need the government’s assistance, to ports are “incentive measures”, “government policies”, “environmental solutions”, “cross-sector cooperation”; to carriers are “cost increase”, “support from government’s budget and policies”, “employee training”, “law and incentives specification”. Taiwan International Ports Corp. Ltd. are suggested to promote green ports through offering incentives to lower operational cost of carriers (specification on duration and ship nationality), awarding Green Flag (the prize winner’s experience sharing on the internet), paying close attention to worldwide offshore power and its related infrastructures, and making collaboration with local environmental control units. The Maritime and Port Bureau of MOTC is proposed to make the related international convention domestically for the adoption of TIPC and port users; moreover, to pledge green-port policy with Ministry of Economic Affairs, Environmental Protection Administration of Executive Yuan and well-known container carriers.


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