Title: 改良型半橋式功因修正電路之無電流感測控制
Current sensorless control for modified half-bridge PFC converter
Authors: 陳威成
Chen, Wei-Cheng
Chen, Hung-Chi
Keywords: 功因修正電路;power factor corrector converter
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 本論文以半橋式功因修正電路的改良為主要的研究課題,以改良型半橋式功因修正電路取代原半橋式功因修正電路的架構,避免半橋架構因串聯之雙開關同時導通而造成的短路擊穿問題,提升其電路的可靠性,同時也可降低因開關元件內部二極體的逆向電流回復時間太長所可能造成的開關損耗。再者,以半橋架構的輸出倍壓特性,此電路架構也適合被用在需要更高電壓輸出的產品設計上。 針對改良型半橋式功因修正電路的控制方式,在簡化控制架構的前提下,以無電流感測的控制方式為前題評估導入產品的可行性。首先以模擬比較無電流感測控制與傳統多迴路控制方式的電氣特性,用以驗證及評估無電流感測的控制方式的可行性,最終再以實作實現改良型半橋式功因修正電路之無電流感測的控制。
This thesis presents the improvement of half-bridge power factor corrector (PFC) converter. For the main power circuit, use modified half-bridge PFC converter to replace the traditional topology. The modified structure can improve the short through problem which caused by series switching components to enhance the circuit reliability. And also, it can reduce the switching power loss which caused by the body diodes’ reverse current recovery time. Especially, the double voltage output characteristic of half bridge structure will be useful for higher voltage application. In order to simply the modified half bridge PFC control structure, the current sensorless control model would be estimated on the feasibility. First, check and compare the electrical characteristic difference of simulated result between multi-feedback control model and current sensorless control model. To estimate the electrical characteristic of current sensorless control model is good enough to be used. Finally, implement and evaluate the sample with modified half bridge PFC structure and sensorless control model.
Appears in Collections:Thesis