标题: 以电激发砷化镓块材为兆赫波增益介质之研究
Study of electrically excited gallium arsenide as a terahertz gain medium
作者: 吴明錡
Wu, Ming-Chi
Yen, Shun-Tung
电子工程学系 电子研究所
关键字: 兆赫波;砷化镓;电激发;Terahertz wave;gallium arsenide;electrically excited
公开日期: 2013
摘要: 本论文是在研究砷化镓块材在电激发与抽热的条件下,是否可以达到声子的居量反转,形成兆赫波段的增益介质。我们将元件施加高偏压以利用高电场将电子加速来激发块材中声子,并且控制抽热的条件,观察反射率频谱中的特征谱线随偏压的变化。透过与热平衡状态下的反射率频谱相比较,我们发现施加偏压能使块材中声子的居量能有异于热平衡状态下的分布。我们进一步尝试利用恒温器提供一个良好的抽热环境将低能量的声子抽离,预期能使整体系统有利于产生声子间的居量反转。实验结果并无观察到反射率频谱随偏压增加而有明显的变化,且没有反射率超过1的特征,说明热沉(heat sink)没有选择性的将元件内部的声子抽离且在我们的实验条件下不足以观察到声子态间的居量反转。
In this thesis, we study the possibility of obtaining terahertz gain through population inversion between phonon states in semi-insulating gallium arsenide crystals. Phonons are excited by applying voltage biases to the crystals under controlled and uncontrolled heat sink conditions. Variations of phonon population are probed by measuring bias-dependent reflection spectra. In uncontrolled heat sink experiments, we find the phonon population of an electrically excited crystal differs greatly from that of a crystal under thermal equilibrium in the spectral region where two-phonon sum processes dominate. In controlled heat sink experiments, we do not observe obvious spectral changes with biases. The results indicate that the sink extracts the excited phonons effectively but unselectively. In both heat sink conditions, we do not observe evidence of population inversion between phonon states from reflectance spectra in the spectral region dominated by two-phonon difference processes.