標題: 光電式局限型探測器動靈作敏度影響之分析
The sensitive analysis of photoelectrical smoke detector
作者: 洪銘懋
Hung ,Ming-Mao
Chen, Chiun-Hsun
Chen ,Chien-Jung
關鍵字: 光電式局限型探測器;靈敏度;風速;方向性;Photoelectrical smoke detector;Sensitive;Flow rate;Direction
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 火警自動警報設備為相當可靠之預警設備,而其中火警探測器之光電式局限型更最為被廣泛裝設之關鍵性零組件,而其靈敏度良窳與否,亦直接影響火警自動警報設備初期報警之時效,而其報警時效亦影響人們之容許避難時間。在目前我國消防安全設備設置標準中所規定需裝設偵煙式探測器場所眾多而裝設種類又以光電式局限型為最主要,在其裝設現場通常有許多環境上之變數( 如風速、現場流動氣流等)實難掌握,且目前各家製造廠商為求產品美觀,皆開發許多不同種類之外殼及造型。而目前國內檢測標準對光電式局限型探測之靈敏度試驗僅測定是否會在一定濃度下及時間下動作,並未考量探測器在不同角度及方向其動作之差異,及在不同風速下影響的變化等因素,而如忽略上述所提之變數有可能會造成光電式局限探測器於偵測火災時產生誤差而延緩警報,並減少人們逃生之避難時間,增加火場逃生困難,故量測風速試驗及方向性試驗對光電式局限型探測器動作靈敏度來說,實為重要之課題。
Fire detector is a very reliable forewarning device; photoelectrical smoke detector is generally installed which concern the effectiveness for a given period of time. The effectiveness of period of time influence opportunity for locked people to escape. According to the Taiwan Fire Safety Equipment Approval Standard, smoke detector need to be installed in the vary type of locations, and one of this type- photoelectrical smoke detector is the priority option. However, the factors of the installed area are hard to control, such as, the wind speed, and the flow rate. For feature requested, most factories produced different type of features and appearance. Besides, in the current testing standard, the sensitivity tests of photoelectrical smoke detector was only on the actuating under standard concentration and limited time without the angle, direction, and vary flow rate consideration. However, if the factors consideration was ignored, false alarm caused easily which will decrease the available escape time. Therefore, flow rate and direction examination is a mainly subject for testing the sensitivity of photoelectrical smoke detector.