標題: 台灣矽晶太陽能電池產業整併關鍵因素之研究
A Study of the Critical Factors of Mergering and Consolidation for the Silicon Solar Cell Industry in Taiwan
作者: 陳志霖
Chen, Chih-Lin
Chiang ,Chi
關鍵字: 矽晶太陽能電池;AHP層級分析法;企業整併;Silicon solar cell;Analytic Hierarchy Process;Mergering and consolidation
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 太陽能電池產業在經過2008年的金融危機及歐債風暴衝擊後,原先不平衡的供應鏈關係,雖已獲得改善,然而,卻也面臨了大陸完整供應鏈的快速崛起,及毛利率急速下滑。根據行政院經建會於2011年所做的「因應全球經濟競爭環境下,提升我國太陽光電產業優勢策略之研究」報告結論中,其中程建議【鼓勵太陽光電產業上市、上櫃公司合併】。 同時期,國際間整併的消息更是不斷,台灣有新日光併購旺能,中國有通威接手LDK(塞維),海外Solarworld併購Bosch Solar,正泰也啟動收購Conergy模組廠計劃。然企業整併,是否能如預期發揮綜效,尤其太陽能產業景氣瞬息萬變,在面對全球競爭環境更趨激烈的今日,該如何擬定最佳競爭策略。 本研究透過專家訪談及文獻資料收集,再採用AHP層級分析法進行研究分析,評估與探討台灣矽晶太陽能電池產業在面對全球景氣變遷及衝擊之下,若進行企業整併時,有哪些關鍵要素。研究共列出四大構面,「財務管理」、「產銷整合能力」、「品牌技術與專利研發」、「組織與生產管理」,及18項組織影響要素。並以太陽能產業的業界專家為問卷發放對象,依據問卷中各構面與組織影響要素之間的權重值進行分析比對,此結果,可作為太陽能產業在進行企業整併時,擬定發展策略之參考依據,以期能提升企業競爭力。
After the financial crisis in 2008 and European debt impact, the unbalance in the supply chain relationship of the solar cell industry in Taiwan has been improved. However, the impact of China’s more integrated supply chain also rised fastly, and the gross margin percentage fell down rapidly. According to the report “In accordance to the global economic competition environment, promotes research our country solar cell industry superiority strategy” which was done in 2011 by Council for Economic Planning and Development of Executive Yuan, the medium-term suggestion is “Encourages publicly traded solar cell industry consolidation”. At the same period, the news showed that international consolidation took placed quite often. However the effect of mergering and consolidation is not curtained, because the solar energy industry varies constantly. Today, with the intense global competition, it is important to seek for the best competition strategy. The objective of this research is to study the solar cell industry in Taiwan under the impact of the global competition, choose the better critical factors of mergering and consolidation strategy, and set a proper and fair weight for each factor. Accroding to professional interviews and reference materials, four construction dimensions are listed as follows, “Financial management”, “Production and marketing conformity ability”, “Brand technology and Patent research and development”, and “Organization and Operation management”. Eighteen organization key factors are also listed. Then, the questionnaire is sent out to industrial professional in the field of solar energy industry. Finally, the suggested weight value for each construction dimension and the organization key factors could be used as the suggestion for strategy formulationduring the merger and consolidation of solar energy industry.