标题: | 广播电台访谈的文体分析 A Genre-Based Approach to Analyzing Radio Interviews |
作者: | 朱芬萍 Chu, Fen-Ping 郑维容 Cheng, Wei-Rong 英语教学研究所 |
关键字: | 广播电台访谈;语体分析;radio interview;genre analysis |
公开日期: | 2013 |
摘要: | 有鉴于受到真实语料和口语语料库变得日益重要的影响,本研究采用语体分析的方法,去检视英文广播电台的访谈文稿里面的资讯结构、语言特征,以及访谈策略。因为广播电台访谈呈现了真实社会情境中的真实语言使用特性,加上其方便取得性,广播访谈成为语言教学和自主学习典范的绝佳来源。本研究内容以二十篇从2007年到2011年间的英文线上广播电台(National Public Radio)中的许多节目的访谈文稿做为真实语料库。从语体分析的观点来看,本研究发展出针对不同的细微语言动作结构(moves)和互动式策略(interactional strategies)设计出来的编码系统,包括三个主要的资讯结构:开场,核心和结尾三个阶段。不同种类的问题型态在被量化统计算出后,再分别以句型结构(syntactic forms)还有沟通功能(communicative function)来进行质性分析。 研究者使用文体分析软体AntConc进行资料分析,以补足先前英文广播电台文献探讨不足之处。研究问题为以下三点:1.口语访谈稿中的资讯结构(information structure)为何?2.口语访谈稿中常用的语言特征以及语助词为何?3.访问者常用的疑问句型可以分为哪几类?研究结果显示:1.口语访谈稿中的资讯结构可以分为三大部分:开场白以及主题简介,重点主题讨论之核心对话过程,以及收尾总结过程(Opening, Core, and Closing Sequences)。在这三个资讯结构中,每一资讯结构中又各具有不同的细微结构(move),各自包含不同的言谈功能。各种不同的细微结构也可以从资料中观察出来。2.口语访谈稿中常出现的语言特征包括代名词(I, you, we)以及常用的公开性(say, report)和私人式动词(think)而I think, well, you know, I mean是常出现的语助词,各具有不同的语用功能。3.访问者常用的疑问句型可以依据句法学分类法(syntactic)以及语用功能(functional)分类法各自分为九大类和六大类。九大类句法学句型包括了六小类问句和三小类被用来诱发资讯的叙述句。在所有问句中,是非问句(yes-no questions)和wh-疑问句是最常出现的。本研究针对真实语料的研究分析可以被运用于听力和口说教学上,英语教学口语或听力教材口语以及口语文体分析提供了丰富的参考价值。 Inspired by the growing importance of authentic materials and spoken corpora, the present study takes a genre-based approach to examine the information structure, linguistic features, and interviewing strategies of radio interviews. Displaying authentic attributes of language use in real social contexts, the spoken genre of radio interviews serves as a great resource for materials in language teaching and models for autonomous learning for their easy accesses. The corpus comprises 20 interviews recorded from 2007 to 2011 from various radio programs on NPR website. From the perspective of genre analysis, a coding scheme of moves and interactional strategies was developed, including three major stages in interviews: Opening, Core, and Closing Sequences. Various question types were quantitatively calculated and then analyzed qualitatively in their discourse contexts in terms of both syntactic forms and communicative functions. Based on the findings, three major sequences were found in these interviews with a variety of functional moves and interactional strategies. The researcher used the genre-analysis software Antconc to analyze the data with an aim to complementing certain weakness in previous literature. Three research questions include: first, “What is the information structure of radio interviews as a spoken genre?” second “What are the functions of the frequently used linguistic features and discourse markers in radio interviews?” and thirdly, ”What are the question types used by interviewers and interviewees in radio interviews?” The research findings demonstrated the following results: firstly, the information structure of radio interview contained three main sequences: Opening, Core, and Closing. Each of the three main information structure contained different moves with unique communicative functions. Secondly, recurrent linguistic features and discourse markers contained certain public verbs (such as say, and report) and private verbs (such as think) and certain hedges, such as I think, well, you know, and I mean. Each of them has different discursive functions. Thirdly, common question types could be categorized into 9 syntactic categories (6 types of questions and three types of statements functioning as elicitations) and 6 functional elicitations. Among all the syntactic questions, yes-no question and wh-questions are found most commonly used while information elicitations occur most in six functional categories. The analysis of the authentic material of radio interviews can be applied to the pedagogy of listening comprehension and speaking activity. The research findings could be used to raise learners’ genre awareness of radio interviews, to help them use suitable questions or moves to conduct an interview, and even to inform textbook designers using authentic materials. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/74262 |
显示于类别: | Thesis |